Brain researchers have for some time recognized that human personalities operate through four distinct brain wave patterns. Inducing your subjects into preferred brain wave patterns is key to the success of your hypnosis sessions. This article will explore each type of brain wave in turn and discuss what happens in human activities in them, and what you can expect from your hypnotic suggestions given in each state. The purpose of this article, as always, is to improve your effectiveness as a hypnotist and to affect greater positive outcomes for your subjects.
The highest brain wave state is Beta and is a characteristic vibration of 13-20 cycles per second, the highest range. This is the house of the conscious state, the rational mind. It is where most people spend most of their time. It is where the rational mind resides and where the open business of daily life is conducted. It is also a place where fear, stress and anxiety dominate. A beta brain can be a controlling and self-aware master. This is where fear, anxiety, hopelessness and doubt can control your subjects. They change their status from beta vital to your success as a hypnotist. The strategies applied in beta will not have much power as the conscious mind in control. Your goal is to transcend the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind.
The next state of the brain is the alpha wave, with a vibration of 7-13 cycles per second. This is a state of mind in which people are freed and calm from their floating impulses. The alpha mind knows no limits and no time. This is the brain wave state to which you must lead your subjects. Where the subconscious mind is in charge and where your suggestions will be most easily accepted. It is comfortable and healthy to live in alpha all the time, as fear and tension are beta. It is easy to recognize when the alpha state has been reached; your sleepiness will be relieved, and perhaps your mouth will be full of saliva.
A lower vibrational state than alpha is 4-7 cycles per second of theta. this is the state of a dream, and many signify with the word meditation; This writer believes that meditation is a broader concept and includes any activity that quiets the mind and leads to alpha and theta brain wave activity. This is also a fruitful state in which to apply hypnotic suggestions. Although everything you want to accomplish with your content can be done in alpha, theta is also productive. Some of your subjects will have theta easily and there will be a great benefit. Pay attention to each of the differences, and direct your subjects to places where they will receive your suggestions better.
Delta is a brain wave pattern running from 0-4 cycles per second which is the place of drowsiness and sleep. Although it is possible to communicate hypnotically with sleeping subjects, it is not in a very fertile state. Stick with the alpha and theta states for the best results for your subjects. In the delta, the subconscious mind has full responsibility and control, and is the occupier than in other states. It’s too distracting to pay attention to quality suggestions.
To conclude, the goal should be to induce alpha and theta brain waves in your subjects hypnotic states, so that you get the maximum benefits for both. It is the middle interval in which your suggestion will have the greatest power. Bring your subject to a relaxed state as above sleep, and you will be where the subconscious is receptive and successful to you, and allows change towards your subjects.