How I Chose Video Editing Software for My Small Business

My small business requires providing quality videos on our websites to get our information out to potential clients. So, I rely heavily on easy to use video editing software. For more than a decade, I’ve used Roxio Creator Pro. It works for me, uploads and coverts to numerous formats. However, even though my system is ample, the program frequently crashes and becomes outdated about every two years.

Well, I’m at that two year mark now and need new software. Do I continue with what I know or venture out of my comfort zone to see what others can do for me? It’s research time and I’m taking you with me.

Software Choices

It’s best to keep this simple and compare only three, two of which I’ve considered in the past.

Cyberlink PowerDirector 10 Deluxe
On the surface this software would be the smartest choice: roughly $50, easy to use, can import/export in most every format imaginable, including exporting to formats for smart phones, Blu-ray, and 3D, and has a PiP application. Plus, it received great reviews from a few tech review sites. My only reservation is that it doesn’t have the extras I’m used to with my old software: photo and audio editors. There’s a bit of audio editing capabilities within the video editor, but it doesn’t appear to be a separate editor. And, supposedly there may be crashing issues.

MoviePlus X6
Using MoviePlus X6 would be like falling off the virtual log, as I use Serif’s web design software and love it. The workspace would be familiar, almost like using any Microsoft product. It is comparable to the PowerDirector except that it has fewer special effects and transitions. This new version has the PiP application and can covert multiple video files in a matter of seconds. It is a bit more pricy at about $80 and isn’t as well-known as the other two. So, there aren’t many reviews thus far. But, those who did review it appeared to like it. And, no crashes were reported…yet.

Roxio Creator 2012 Pro
Of course, this software would be the easiest for me to use since I’ve used it for well over a decade. But, would I even want to try again after all the years of crashing and losing work?

I find that this is the most expensive of the three at $109.99, but it is packed with extras: advanced photo editing, data and backup, audio and music editing. Granted, this isn’t merely a video editing software though. So, it isn’t a fair comparison. But, I’d have a difficult time finding this kind of value purchasing separate software for each task. And, it does compare to the other two with its video editing tools. It also includes DivX to go, which can convert multiple video files within minutes. Impressive. Not so fast…who has used it and what do they have to say?

It didn’t take long to find that this software version has the same issues as the last: crashing and lowering computer performance–drastically.

The Decision

Well, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to go with the Serif MoviePlusX6, mainly because there were no reports of crashing and I don’t really need all the extras. Because I am a repeat customer, I will receive a discount–good to know. But, I would imagine Cyberlink would be suitable as well, as it is the highest rated in its price category.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m off to edit some video now.


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