How is Lipitor Administered and is it Safe for Children?

Lipitor, known by the generic name Atorvastatin, is prescribed to patients to lower their triglycerides and cholesterol. We have two types of cholesterol which are LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). LDL stands for low density lipoproteins and HDL stands for high density lipoproteins. LDL is what increases our risk of heart attack.

Lipitor helps to stop the formation of plaque from cholesterol and triglycerides. When is this medication prescribed? It is prescribed for people when they cannot get their levels even with healthy diet and exercise. That is, when lifestyle changes do not help lower your bad cholesterol bad cholesterol your doctor may prescribe Lipitor or some other statin drug to lower the blood pressure.

How is Lipitor administered?

You receive a live voice at night. Most doctors recommend that you take it at bedtime with or without food. You didn’t see any big changes right away. It takes about 4 weeks to start lowering your blood cholesterol level.

Is Lipitor given to children?

Unfortunately, due to improper diet and lack of sufficient activity, children also suffer from high LDL levels. Due to unhealthy lifestyles, children can grow up with diseases. Lipitor is also given to some children when their blood cholesterol levels do not come down to normal. Lipitor comes in chewable tablets to make it easier for children to take.

How does Lipitor work?

Lipitor works by gently dissolving the plaque that is already built up in the vessel walls. It also helps to keep new plaques from forming.

Is Lipitor safe?

can be a side effect when you take Lipitor. Common your cholesterol level but the benefits of taking the drug outweigh the risks.

It is not safe to take Lipitor if you are taking certain types of medications. Some heart medications, birth control poultices and antibiotics should not be taken if you are on Lipitor. Your doctor should know everything from all of your medical medications before prescribing Lipitor, because some bad drug interactions can happen and make them significant. health problems Your doctor should take labs every 3 months while you are on this medication to make sure the medication is working properly and your liver and other internal organs are not getting worse.

I am writing this article because Lipitor needs to be developed. I had my cholesterol and triglycerides checked 3 months ago and was told I was approaching the danger zone. I got my tests back today and the test results will determine if I need to go on meds or not. I would hear the opinion in two days. I don’t want to go on medication because of all the side effects.


He loves children

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