How to Apply Textured Paint

Painting with textured paint can transform your plain boring walls into works of art by following some simple suggestions. Textured paint can add dimension and warmth to any room and will give your room an elegant, cozy appeal. Textured paint has become a popular alternative to standard paint for decorating your home. Painting with textured paint can also minimize or even hide blemishes and imperfections in your walls. As beautiful and dramatic a difference painting with textured paint can be, it is important to note that textured paint can be difficult to remove and painting over walls that have been painted with textured paint can take numerous coats to achieve a smooth finish. With that said, let’s move on to how to apply textured paint.

Painting walls with textured paint can give them a look of wood, fabric or even a metallic finish. Painting your walls with textured paint allows your creativity to shine though. With some practice and know-how, you will be painting your walls with textured paint in no time.

Supplies To Be Used For Painting With Textured Paint

Let’s start with your supplies. You will need different tools based on the effect you are going after. You may need a trowel, putty knife, brush, sponge, combs and rollers. As with normal painting, you will want to protect your surfaces by covering them with newspaper or a tarp, you will need to mask off your baseboards, and have your supplies close at hand.

Applying Textured Paint To Walls

When painting with textured paint you have a number of textured paints to choose from. If you choose to use smoothtexture paint, you can give your walls a swirl effect by applying the paint with a trowel, small putty knife or a stiff bristled paint brush. Make sure to create your patterns before the paint starts to dry, or you will have a difficult time getting the desired effect. Take your time in blending each area into the other. Just be creative and let your artistic imagination take over. As long as your paint is still wet, you can experiment over and over again with smooth texture paint. You can even experiment with small sponges or combs.

Another type of textured paint that you might consider is sandstone. When painting with sandstone textured paint, your walls will take on a sandy or gritty appearance, like you’ve painted you walls with sand paint. Sandstone textured paint will give your walls a fresh contemporary look. Your home improvement store or hardware store will have even more ideas to help you when painting with textured paint.

Of course, before painting your walls with textured paint, make sure your walls have been prepared to receive textured paint. Your walls must be clean. Remember to always patch any holes or cracks in your walls. You will want to ensure that your walls are smooth and clean so that painting with textured paint can give your walls the best possible look.

When painting with textured paint, always try to paint small areas at a time. This might be a little more labor intensive, but your endeavors will be worth it when the job is complete. While it is important to take your time when painting with textured paint try to remember that you need to get your work done while the paint is still wet. Don’t think painting your walls with textured paint takes the experience of a professional painter. Beautiful and professional looking faux finishes on your walls can be yours when your paint with textured paint.

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