So you want to make money with Squidoo: you read a few articles explaining how to monetize Squidoo lenses, you visited and were seduced by a few lenses and now you want to have it. The good news is that it is quite easy to build a Squidoo lens, Squidoo lenses give you the option to use different income streams and Squidoo allows you to create as many lenses as you want. Of course, there are a few tricks to building a good Squidoo lens, but these can be learned quite quickly and when you have a few, you will find that Squidoo is one of the few pages that can tell you a nice online income; Be careful though, you only have to spend so much money on Squidoo that you can soon become a squidaholic!
If you want a popular lens, pick a popular site. Do a keyword search with Google the topic you want to talk about and see how many searches there are for that particular keyword; It’s not a popular topic for you, the higher you are, the more matches you’ll get for your lens, but anything over 100,000 is good in my opinion.
After finding your subject, you will need to give your address. Including keywords in your website is one of the basic SEO tools to use successfully. When you start creating your Squidoo lens, you will be taken to a page where you will be asked what the lens is about: be careful with this one, because here It will be part of your lens’ URL and cannot be changed later; try to include the main keyword in there. It doesn’t make sense to not use this as your title, but choose carefully as submitted Squidoo lenses cannot be changed.
The next step is to choose a lens label. Your title should include a main keyword that is both original and attractive; Think of words that trigger people’s imagination, choose a title that you think will appeal to them, and you want them to visit your lens.
Inside your Squidoo lens, you have a large selection of modules to choose from: whether text, images or a list of links, try to include your keywords in each module, without repeating the sound: keyword overload is penalized by Google and if you bother your visitors with the lens, the same words over and over again by repeating, they don’t want to return, because without it your lens will be lacking in evaluation, lensrolling, marking, electronic, etc., and this will be adverse. lensrank affects you. You can use a trick to save the photos shown on your lens first to your computer hard-drive and include the keyword in the file name under which the photo is saved; when you upload a photo from your computer to lens, it will count the name of the image as a keyword even if it doesn’t appear in lens.
Squidoo has a perfect lens feature that allows you to target your chosen keywords, make the most of it and include as many relevant keywords as you can think of. You can choose a maximum of 40 tags to add to your lenses so use and exploit the tagging utility to make your lens SEO friendly.
These are just a few tricks I learned to make Squidoo lenses SEO friendly; Remember that SEO is one aspect of a good lens, as you also need to promote your lenses and update them regularly to receive a constant stream of visitors, but if you are new to Squidoo, start with these as they are the easiest. my opinion and you could make a small fortune on your way.