How to Buy Birthstones like a Pro

When you want to buy birthstones, the 4 C’s will give you the important information you need to help in your decision. These are color, clarity, cut and carat.

What do you look for when considering each of these factors in purchasing precious stones?

Color in Birthstones

1) Color is the number one consideration when choosing birthstones, diamonds and precious stones in general. This might seem like a subjective distinction but there are existing standards.

Check the color under more than one light source (fluorescent, incandescent and natural) for vividness and an even distribution throughout the stone.

Some precious stones, Amethyst for instance, have colorless ‘zones’ or layers that can leach the hue intensity from the areas with color. View the gems from the side to reveal any such problems.

Clarity in Birthstones

2) Clarity is always lessened by flaws and inclusions but if they can not be seen without magnification then they will lessen the monetary value without affecting the beauty of the gem. Inclusions nearer the edge, under the crown (top) facets, are less obvious than those in the center under the table (center) facet.

Even in opaque gems there is a certain clarity of color that will influence the look and value.

Cut – The Gem Buyers Friend

3) Cut is the most revealing factor to the layman concerning the quality of the gem material used to produce the cut gemstone. This is not the shape of the precious stone, rather, it is how well the gem was ground to the proper shape.

The rule-of-thumb is ‘Quality of Cut = Quality of Material’ and with the help of a magnifier anyone can check the craftsmanship.

Check your girdle – The widest circumference to a gemstone is called the ‘girdle’. It should have some width to it as a knife-edge girdle will break while the gem is being set in jewelry or during regular wear.

The crown (top) and pavilion (bottom) facets should align along the girdle. This is where you will find mismatched and extra facets as well.

Any flat, shiny spots on the girdle are called ‘naturals’ and indicate the original crystal face. These ‘naturals’ are minor flaws since they can be hidden behind a prong when setting the gemstone.

Carat – How Much Your Gem Weighs

Two other factors that rely on personal taste, rather than optical properties are Size and Style.

4) The carat weight is what determines the size in birthstones. Choose a size that is appropriate for the intended use, smaller for rings, larger for necklace, pendant and brooch, etc. This is also a major factor in the cost of gems.

The style (shape) of the cut generally has more potential for variety in colorful birthstones than in diamonds. The brilliant cut and step cut (emerald cut) are still popular fashions even where brilliance and dispersion are not as important to the look and appeal of the gem.

How to Buy Birthstones – The Human Factor

When you buy birthstones, diamonds or any other precious stones, the final and most important factor is you. If a gemstone appeals to you and is something you want, then the other considerations of color, clarity, cut and carat should only help you determine the value of the gem.

Buy birthstones that you like, trust your good taste and enjoy your jewelry. As George F. Kunz, the most eminent gem expert and author of “The Curious Lore of Precious Stones”, wrote about the beneficial effect of wearing jewelry on a persons well being,

“…and indeed, this is no delusion, for life is what our thought makes it, and joy is born of gratified desire. Hence, nothing that contributes to increasing the sum of innocent pleasures should be disdained.”

The author, padre art, now writes about jewelry, birthstones and jewelry gift ideas for

He has over thirty years experience in designing and crafting jewellery. Working independently or in retail jewellery outlets helping customers buy birthstones, diamonds and keepsake jewelry for their loved ones.


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