How to Choose the Right Paint Thinner

Giving your house or fence a new coat of paint will not only improve the look of your property, but can also really improve the quality of your property. Paint also helps to prevent damage that could later cost you even more money. You can always hire a professional painter to the job but if you want to the job yourself here is some info that will help you out.

You have tons of options when it comes to choosing the paint you want to use. Before you choose paint you have to choose a good paint thinner. Lots of these paint thinners can cause some bad stains and be dangerous. Here are some important aspects when choosing a paint thinner that can help you pick the perfect one.

Paint thinner Volatility

Almost all paint thinners are highly flammable and volatile. It’s most likely that whatever paint thinner you use will be very dangerous to have an open flame around so keep that in mind. It’s advisable not to smoke while you are applying paint thinner.

Paint thinner Effervescence

Another characteristic of paint thinner that also contributes towards it’s high volatility is that it evaporates fast when open. When choosing a paint thinner it’s best to get a type that doesn’t evaporate quickly. If you are painting indoors make sure that the area is well ventilated. Also make sure that you close the container tightly after your done using the paint thinner.

Paint thinner Cost and environmental friendly

When purchasing paint thinner don’t buy a large amount all at once because you don’t want to have a lot of extra lying around. There are also some paint thinners that are less toxic than others so if you want to be more environmentally friendly then you can purchase this type of paint thinner.

Paint thinner Patch test

Make sure before you apply the paint thinner to your paint that you do a patch test. Every paint thinner is a little different so you want to do a little test before you go all out to make sure you have the best paint thinner for the job.

Several different types of paint thinners

Naphtha: Naptha is also known as benzene, and is a solvent that is mainly used for de-greasing and cleaning. It comes as a byproduct of the distillation process of crude oil. It’s best when using Naptha to prevent contact with it due to its toxic nature.

Turpentine: This is one of the best paint thinner to use if money is not an issue. Turpentine is especially good because it is one of the most natural paint thinners you can use and does not cause pollution.

Lacquer Thinner: Lacquer thinner is derived from a combination of various paints. It’s best to use lacquer thinner for cleaning purposes, and it is not a great paint thinning agent.

Alcohol: Alcohol can also be used as a natural paint thinner. This paint thinner can be sued to thin shellac-based paints and also works well for cleaning purposes.

There are many other paint thinners that are available, but they are all similar in their function. Also make sure to always use gloves and masks as protection when painting and always paint in a well ventilated area.

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