How to Deal with the Altitude in Denver

As a Colorado native, I have lived in high altitude my whole life. I since have moved to California and now live in Georgia. I find that when I go home to visit I have a hard time adjusting to the altitude. I’m sleepy, I get terrible headaches , And I get very dizzy. It takes up to a week , sometimes longer, to adjust to the altitude. Here are some tips that will help you adjust to the altitude in the Mile High city.

1) First and foremost, Drink LOTS of water. You must keep yourself hydrated. You breath heavier in high altitude areas because the air is thinner. So your system is working overtime to absorb the oxygen using your fluids to do so.

2) Get plenty of rest. I know it sounds a little funny , but if possible sleep on the floor. Since you’re elevated during the day, sleeping at a lower altitude helps your body adjust faster.

3) Take about 10 rapid breaths every 5 minutes or so if you find yourself getting too winded. Don’t do it too often or too fast, as this can remove too much carbon dioxide and cause tingling in your arms and legs.

4) Eat a small snack , such as nuts, or fruit. Your body is using a lot of energy and needs to be replenished. Sometimes nausea is present with high altitude sickness, If so an over the counter nausea medicine may help. (Read product directions)

5) Don’t smoke. This should be self explanitory, but if you are a smoker, avoid smoking as much as possible.

6) Avoid drinking , at least for the first couple of days. Alcohol dehydrates the body. If you do drink, make sure you replace your fluids with plenty of water before you go to bed.

7) Stay at the same altitude. You don’t want to go mountain treking if you are having a hard time adjusting. If at all possible go to a lower altitude, even by just a 100 feet or so can make a big difference.

8) Sit down. If you are out sightseeing and you get short of breath, sit down for about 5 minutes. Concentrate on your exhale, breath slow and deep.

9) See a doctor. Sometimes people develop what is called HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) . The symptoms are extreme fatigue, shortness at breath,(even at rest) fast shallow breathing, Cough , Chest tightness, Blue or grey Lips. The easiest way to reverse this is decent, But if you are not able to decend, oxygen will help.

10) Prescription medications. There is medicine that a doctor can prescribe for High altitude sickness, But the best way to treat it is to get to a lower altitude. That will usually correct it within 1 to 2 days.

11) HAVE FUN! Colorado is a beautiful state! So much to see and do, Make sure to take care of yourself so you can enjoy my beautiful home state!


  • ISMM ( international society for mountain medicine)

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