How to Diet Without Mail-Order Food and Expensive Diet Programs

Those who watch any amount of television have probably noticed the numerous ads for diet programs that include diet mail-order food shipped directly to the home. Results advertised as not typical are plastered across the screen in print almost too small to read, and scantily clad people proudly exclaim they’ve achieved success with their diet plan of choice.

One commercial in particular shows a less than perfect woman who doesn’t appear to be extremely overweight walking through the grocery store in her silky lavender underwear. Others show people in tight bathing suits with tummies hanging over their waistbands while exposing themselves to the world. When wearing clothes, most of these people really wouldn’t look that bad, but they claim they need whatever mail-order diet program they’re promoting.

These types of commercials are meant to make anyone who is the slightest bit overweight feel like they need to fit a mold of perfection, but the food and diet programs the ads are promoting aren’t exactly cheap. Some of these diet programs and mail-order food are as much as $10 per day, and this is far more expensive than diet food, raw fruit and vegetables, and healthy ready-made meals that can be purchased from the store.

You can lose weight without spending money on diet programs and expensive mail-order food. I’ve been losing weight eating prepackaged diet meals, soups, fresh fruit, and salad from the store, and these meals are far less expensive than mail-order food advertised on TV. I’m not spending any more than I would normally spend on a typical trip to the store, and if you want to lose weight without spending a small fortune, give it a try. You don’t need a mail-order diet plan and expensive prepackaged food to lose weight.

Lean Cuisine Meals

Depending on where you live and the prices of food in your area, Lean Cuisine meals can be purchased for $2.00 or less when on sale, and this is a far better price than mail-order meals and snacks that cost far more. Companies trying to sell diet programs and diet meals advertise their prices as if they were a bargain, but at around $300 per month, I find this too expensive to feed a single family member. What about everyone else in the home?

Instead of going with one of these expensive diet programs that sends out mail-order food, I buy Lean Cuisine meals for myself and other frozen meals when they’re on sale, and I stock up my favorite selections. Best of all I can choose all of my favorite selections rather than a variety of mail-order diet food that I might not even like. I make healthy homemade meals in the evening, and I count calories. It’s that simple, and I’m not going broke buying special meals for myself.

Other Frozen Low-Cal Meals

Lean Cuisine isn’t the only brand of affordable diet frozen meals that taste as good as they appear on the boxes. I recently purchased several Weight Watchers Smart Ones frozen meals and desserts for a little over $1.00 each, and they’re comparable to Lean Cuisine. I purchase whichever diet meals are on sale, and I save a great deal of money over diet programs and mail-order foods advertised on TV.

Why should I purchase diet food sold by mail when I can make my own choices and buy whatever I find on sale? I have my favorites, and once you start eating diet meals purchased from the grocery store, you’ll have your favorites too. Best of all, you’ll save money over mail-order diets and diet programs. They’re an unnecessary convenience. You can do it yourself, and you don’t have to pay for overpriced meals that you might not even like.


Add variety to your diet and save even more money over diet programs and mail-order food by purchasing low calorie soups such as those offered by Progresso. Light soups made by Progresso are nutritious, delicious, and they’re low in calories. I’ve found Progresso soups on sale in my area for $1.50 a can, and that’s a far better price than mail-order food and expensive diet programs.

Adding More to Your Diet

Besides frozen diet meals, homemade food, and soups, be sure to add plenty of vegetables and fruit to your eating plan. Raw vegetables dipped in low-fat dressing and fresh fruit will help fill you up, satisfy your desire to eat, and help you stick to whatever calorie-counting plan you choose. Expensive mail-order food isn’t necessary.

I eat fruit and raw vegetables and 100 calorie snacks in between meals. I’ve never felt as if I were suffering while changing my eating habits. Also, I’m accomplishing this without the help of expensive mail-order food. I eat everything I want within moderation, and I never go hungry. I’ve actually changed my eating habits, and I really don’t consider it a diet at all. It’s a change in lifestyle that will help me meet my weight-loss goals. The money I don’t spend on mail-order food I’ll be able to use for a brand new wardrobe.

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