How to Fix Xbox 360 2 Red Light Errors

So you have an Xbox and you get 2 red lights errors? Fixing this error is generally not very difficult. Even novices can generally fix this situation, if they know the difference between a screw driver and a hammer. Even then, if they can and will follow simple directions it is usually a quick fix.

This article will instruct you on how to correct or fix the 2 red lights error. If what you learn here is not sufficient I will put you onto a commercial that fix that should do the trick for you.

These instructions cover exactly how to quickly fix this situation with a minimum of heart ache and grief. You will be on your way to enjoying your favorite games in almost no time flat.

This is a common error with the Xbox 360. Of the millions sold since 2006 over one third of them have this issue to contend with. Worse, still is the annoyance of having the game console fail right at the most crucial time.(You know that moment when your about to beat the main boss or score that last minute touchdown in The Super Bowl.) While this may not make you feel any better, being able to apply this fix quickly and easily will make you feel better when it is done.

And you will be proud of yourself for having fixed this expensive piece of equipment all by yourself.

First: Print out these instructions to follow along as you do this simple repair.

The cause of the 2 red lights errors is heating and/or cooling of the motherboard. The actual problem is the overheating of the motherboard. This constant heating and cooling cycle causes things to expand contract. The constant minute movement enough to cause a connection to come loose, eventually forming a loose connection between graphics processor unit and the motherboard.

There are clamps on the back of the motherboard that are holding the processing unit to the motherboard. It is these clamps which come loose and need to be re-tightened to secure the connection.

The Repair Is Inside the Xbox 360

First off, locate a screw driver of the proper size, dimension, and head (flat/phillips). Then remove the screws from the console cover. These screws are generally on the base side of the console. After loosing the screws turn console upright to remove cover.Doing this insures that no further damage is done to motherboard or other internal working parts of the console.

Inside you will find the motherboard, Remove the motherboard by removing the screws holding it in place. On the back side of the motherboard will be screws holding the fore said clamps in place. Gently, but firmly tighten the clamp screws back to a snug fit. Do not over do it though. Over tightening will cause screws to strip out and cause damage to motherboard and /or processing unit.

Once the clamps have been tightened, replace the motherboard the same you removed it, except reverse of how it came out. Remember to reconnect any connections you may have disconnected.(gently press back into place) Making sure that all connections are snug and properly connected.Tighten all screws tight but, not too tight.

Turn the console back on and give it a go. If you did everything correctly the 2 red lights error should be gone and you should be back to playing games on your Xbox.

Now, if this did not do the trick for you, it is recommended you invest the thirty bucks or so in an Xbox 360 repair guide. Be sure to buy one with a money back guarantee so you can get your money back after you fix your 2 red lights error. And be sure to get one with video guides as well.

OK, I’m just kidding. Do not ask for a refund if you are able to effect a repair. A good guide should be able to guide you through the repair process in good shape. And this fix is much cheaper than a repair shop fix. And now you know how to do it yourself the next time it happens. Cheap at twice the price.

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