A woman should give herself monthly breast exams for 20 years. It is beneficial for a woman to have monthly breast exams, because they will be able to detect any breast abnormalities when they get used to the normal shape (of menstruation); size, and feel their breasts. These women who complete the examself-breast-exams”> will be able to spot something unusual, quickly which then flows .they should see their doctor who has breast cancer metastases (if any are found).
1 step; Stand in front of a mirror, place your arms on your hips, maintain a straight posture by keeping your shoulders straight, then place your hands on your hips. With straight shoulders and hands on the hips, you want to make sure that you don’t see any visible abnormalities or changes in your breasts (breasts), such as unusual size, shape or color, dripping, or lumps. make sure each breast appears normal (one breast may look slightly different from the other, but correct).
Level 2; Lift your arms and look for any abnormalities and changes such as masses, darkening, change in size or shape etc.
Level 3; While standing, use the tips of your four fingers to feel your breasts for any changes. Raise your arm sistema and bend so that your left hand rests in the middle of your head, then grasp your chest gently and firmly with your right hand began to press down, using a circular motion or up and down. So you want to move your fingers around the entire chest using a circular motion or up and down, making sure that the arm pit checks the area. Note that you should check for any lumps or irregularities in your breast. Work with one section of the chest at a time until you feel and control your entire chest. Proceed in the same way with the next breast, this time press the right arm and breast lift with the left hand. . Always use the same motion (either up and down or circular) when pressing your breasts.
Step 4. Then you want to check your nipples for any foreign discharge, you do this by placing the nipple between your thumb and index finger, and then squeeze the nipple, if you see any discharge, you should contact your doctor. (If you are pregnant or nursing there will be milk or colostrum discharge, which is common.) Notice any bleeding if you experience milk discharge from the nipple and you are not pregnant or nursing.
5 steps; Next, you want to check your chest by placing it flat on your back. If you want to examine your right breast first, place a pillow under your right shoulder and bend your right arm so that your right hand falls on your head. Using the same pattern that you chose before (up and down, or round) use the fingers of your four fingers of your left hand and work in the sections you want to use, feeling for lumps, or anything unusual in your breasts until you press down. your whole chest. After you want to check the right chest, check the left chest, this time place the pillow under the left shoulder and bend the left arm so that the left hand falls on your head. Use the fingers of your right hand to check your left breast, use the same motion (up and down or circular) and start to check your breast.