How to Identify Bizarre Cults

Cults are nothing new. They’ve been around about as long as mankind itself. Political, criminal, social, and religious cults have at times thrived and multiplied at alarming rates. Taiping, New Revelation, Gift of Tongues, Creed of Loomis, Purple Order of Theosophy, Soul Sister, Life Science, the Free Church of New York City and the House of David are the names of just a few religious cults of the past.

Throughout history cultic leaders and their followers have been responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. The Taipings in 19th century China precipitated a civil war which cost the lives of more than 20 million people and devastated entire provinces of China.

In 1969 Charles Manson and his “Family” murdered several people in California (The Sharon Tate Murders). In 1978 Jim Jones and his “Peoples Temple” followers committed mass murder and suicide in Guyana. More than 900 men, women, and children perished.

More recently, in 1993 after a 51 day standoff, David Koresh and his Branch Davidians battled the ATFE Bureau and the FBI in Waco Texas. During the battle the Davidian compound caught fire. When it was over, fifty-four adults and 21 children lay dead; some had died during the gun battle, some committed suicide, and some died in the fire.

What is a cult? Merriam-Webster defines cult as “a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious.” Of course, cult is in the “eyes of the beholder.” A Christian cult is a group that modifies or perverts mainstream Biblical doctrines and traditions. Likewise there are Islamic cults. Of course, to an atheist every religion might be considered a cult.

A cult may also be considered a group that’s extremist, controlling, and sinister in its beliefs and practices. Some people limit the definition to groups who’re likely to cause harm to its members and/or outsiders.

In recent years some cult leaders have resorted to copyright and libel lawsuits against anyone who labels their group as a cult or who reveal their doctrine without permission. There is of course a lot of mystery surrounding some cults and as a result a wide variety of rumors are spread. At one time or another many cults have been accused of devil worship or something similar.

Cults have come and fortunately most have gone. Some of the hundreds of cults have achieved a level of legitimacy and are with us today in the 21st century while others remain on the fringe and continue to fight for legitimacy.

It’s best to not give names of cults, for one reason to not aide in legitimizing them. Rather it’s better to teach ways to identify cults so that people can stay clear of them.

Ten distinguishing marks of truly bizarre cults are…

1. Multiply gods or entities (aliens, animals, the earth) are worshipped (polytheism)

2. Leader(s) claim to be a deity

3. Leader(s) demand sex with members- single and married

4. Isolation from society; members required to relinquish money and material possessions

5. Suicide and/or murder are promoted

6. Mind altering drugs are used in ceremonies

7. The doctrine includes racial exclusion

8. The leadership exercises totalitarian control over its members

9. The group employs harassing techniques against its detractors

10. The group employs some sort of magic (whether with machines, potions, spells, or the likes)

If a group practices, promotes, or utilizes one or more of the above, stay clear.

New York Times Archives
Walter Martin: The Kingdom of the Cults

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