How to Insert a Photo or Image into a Yahoo Mail E-Mail

For many years now I have been using Yahoo Mail Classic as well as Outlook Express mail. Because of technical support issues I recently switched my primary e-mail from Outlook Express back to Yahoo Mail, which I used to primarily use.

In addition to being a writer I am also a professional artist. Being a working artist in today’s world means that I frequently find myself inserting jpeg photos of my paintings into Yahoo Mail e-mails.

When I first started exhibiting my paintings in public more than a decade ago I would regularly walk into galleries and stores to see if the proprietors would like to exhibit my paintings. Actually, I still sometimes do that.

Through the years though I have learned that the fastest, easiest and most convenient way for all parties is to send jpeg images of the paintings in an e-mail. In today’s busy, fast-paced world, many people do not have the time or inclination to meet with an artist to view paintings, but they generally do have the time to view images of the paintings in an e-mail.

When you want to insert a photo or image into a Yahoo Mail Classic e-mail it is easy to do but the process is also very different from inserting photos or images into an Outlook Express e-mail. One of the main differences is the fact that the photos or images inserted into a Yahoo Mail e-mail are actually attachments.

With an e-mail program such as Outlook Express photos or images can be sent as attachments but they can also be inserted into the main body of the e-mail. With Yahoo Mail each image or photo has to be opened separately.

When you want to insert a photo or image into a Yahoo Mail Classic e-mail look for a little grey box just below the ‘Subject’ line that contains the words ‘Attach Files’ .

Click on that box. Another page which also reads ‘Attach Files’ should open. On that page you should see five little boxes which are labeled File 1 through File 5. Next to each box are buttons which read ‘Browse’. By clicking on a Browse button you can see and gain access to various folders such as My Pictures and My Documents on your computer. A little arrow on the folder location box allows you to access many different folders where you may have photos or images stored.

When you’ve clicked the Browse button and located the photo or image you want to insert in the e-mail double-click on the photo. By doing so it should place the file name into the little box next to the Browse button. You are creating an attachment at that point.

With the five little Browse buttons you can save up to five photos or images to be inserted into the e-mail. In case you want to insert more than five photos or images just click-on where it says ‘Attach More Files’ which is located right below the File 5 (bottom) Browse box.

Quite frequently I send e-mails containing 10-20 images and Yahoo Mail Classic does it well.

If you have located and double-clicked on the photos or images you want to insert into the Yahoo Mail e-mail and their file names are contained in the little Browse boxes, it is time to attach the photos or images into the e-mail.

Scroll to the bottom left corner of the Attach Files page and you will see a little box that says ‘Attach Files’ next to a box that reads ‘Cancel’. Click on the Attach Files button and let it do its thing. Depending on how many photos or images you are attaching the process of attaching can take from seconds to several minutes. You will see a graph that shows the progress of the attaching process.

When the photo or image is fully attached to the e-mail the entire e-mail will appear. If you decide at that point that you want to insert more photos or images there is another greyish button that reads ‘Attach More’ located between the Subject line and the main body of the e-mail.

If you want to see what the photos or images you’ve inserted look like to the person receiving the e-mail try sending an e-mail to yourself. The first time I saw how the images appear in a Yahoo Mail sent message I was confused.

What you see are little “3/4 inch images of the photos or images you sent. In order to view the photos or images at actual size you have to click-on the little image. That opens a little antivirus scan which tells you if the image is or is not a virus threat. Next you will see the words ‘Download File’ highlighted on the scan bar. Click on the highlighted link which opens another box which gives you the options of opening or saving the image.

More than one person to whom I sent e-mails containing images recently told me they couldn’t view the images. After I told them to click on the small images they were able to view them.

Sources :
Personal experience with inserting photos and images into Yahoo Mail Classic e-mails

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