How to Install Backtrack 3 on VMware

Backtrack 3 Final is a Linux distribution live CD designed for penetration testers. It packed with hundreds of ready to use tools for security professionals, and based on Slax (live CD Slackware).

This tutorial will show you how to get Backtrack 3 up and running inside your VMware Workstation, and installed to the HDD. This should work with VMware Workstation 5 or 6.

01. Download VMware and Linux Backtrack 3 Final ISO or you can get it from your neighbor.

02. Install VMware and create a “New Virtual Machine”


Select TYPICAL, and then click NEXT.

Select LINUX, and then select OTHER 2.6.x KERNEL from the pull down menu. Click NEXT.

Name your virtual machine BACKTRACK 3, or whatever you want, then click NEXT.

Select “Use Bridged Networking” if you are on a network where you can acquire an IP address separate from your host operating system. If you are on a home cable or DSL connection, you may only have one IP address, in which case you should choose “Use Network Address Translation (NAT)”.

Leave the default 8.0GB unless you think you may need more. You can select “Allocate all disk space now” if you like, but keep in mind it could take several minutes.


Adjust RAM (Random Access Memory) depend on how much you want to allocate memory to the Virtual Machine. My Backtrack 3 installation seems to do fine with 512MB, and I have 4GB on the host machine.

Select CD-ROM

Select “Use ISO Image,” and then browse to the Backtrack 3 ISO that you downloaded (or borrow) before. You do not need to burn this ISO to a CD; one of the great features of VMware is that it can map an ISO file as if it were a physical CD-ROM drive.

Click OK

03. Login with username ‘root’ and password ‘toor’. And type “startx” to start Backtrack 3. (in some case, you don’t need to do this step, Backtrack just automatically logging you in)

04. Open Shell Console and type ‘mount /dev/sda’ (In VMware HDD recognized with sda, not hda).

05. Begin to create partition, type ‘Fdisk /dev/sda’.

Creating 3 partition:

First Partition for Linux boot:

1. # n (create new partition)

2. # p (select primary)

4. # 1 (number of disk partition)

5. # [Enter]

6. # +64M

7. # [Enter]

Second Partition for Linux swap:

1. # n (create new partition)

2. # p (select primary)

4. # 2 (number of disk partition)

5. # [Enter]

6. # +512M (according to RAM)

Third Partition for Linux Backtrack 3:

1. # n (create new partition)

2. # p (select primary)

4. # 3 (number of disk partition)

5. # [Enter]

6. # 1024

7. # [Enter]

Then, exchange second partition to Linux swap, type the command below:

# t

# 2 (number of /Linux swap partition)

# 82 (hexadecimal code for Linux swap)

# p (to review created partition)

# w (to Write or Save the Partition)

06. Now, we can format the partition on hard drive:

# mke2fs /dev/sda1 # mkswap /dev/sda2 # swapon /dev/sda2 # mkreiserfs /dev/sda3 07. Install Backtrack 3 to hard drive:


bt~#mkdir /mnt/backtrack

bt~#mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/backtrack/ (command will not work if the partition not formatted) bt~#mkdir /mnt/backtrack/boot/

bt~#mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/backtrack/boot/

bt~#cp -preserve -R /{bin,dev,home,pentest,root,usr,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/backtrack/

bt~#mkdir /mnt/backtrack/{mnt,proc,sys,tmp}

bt~#mount -bind /dev/ /mnt/backtrack/dev/

bt~#mount -t proc proc /mnt/backtrack/proc/

bt~#cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/backtrack/boot/

Setting LILO :

bt~#chroot /mnt/backtrack/ /bin/bash

bt~#nano /etc/lilo.conf

Example for LILO configuration, see below:


boot /dev/sda






image = /boot/vmlinuz

root = /dev/sda3

label = backtrack3

Save and execute LILO with verbose option.

bt~#lilo -v

after hat, exit from chroot environment




Installation Process Done .

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