How to Leave High School Early – Without Dropping Out


Over the past years, I have heard many students say, “I wish I was done with high school”, or “I just want to get out of here”. My usual answer to them is, “Great! Let’s see what you can do.”

Below are the 6 most important tips that I give to my students if they are serious about leaving high school early.

1. Take the CHSPE

In California, if you are 16 years old OR in the second semester of your 10th grade, you can take the CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam). The word “or” is important to notice. If you are 14 and already in 10th grade (as some homeschoolers are), you could finish high school at 14. The CHSPE consists of a Math, English, and Essay part. If you pass the test, you are done with high school! You cannot be a high school dropout in order to take the test. You still have to be in high school and you need to stay in high school until you have the official test results. If you do not pass one section of the test, you can retake just the part that you missed. The test is given twice a year. If you pass the CHSPE, you can leave high school, you can stay in high school, or you can go to college. The CHSPE is not the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) or the GED. For a comparison table of the 3 different tests you can visit The official website for the test is If you do not live in California but in another state, check with your state’s Board of Education department what test they offer to finish high school early.

2. Get to know the Law

Most states have established laws in regard to education in order to protect and help you, not to keep you from succeeding. Get to know those laws. Just like in grammar, there is an exception to everything – that also applies to education. There are many possible provisions for students that are willing to finish high school but for one or the other reason are facing challenges that make it difficult to complete high school. Call your state’s Board of Education or research education laws for your state online. Get to know what exceptions your state’s educational law provides. Schools have to follow the law that each individual state has established for students. One of those exceptions might apply to you and give you a unique way to finish high school without having to drop out.

Take charge of your Education

In order to graduate early, you need to take charge of your education and get to know the requirements that your school has for a high school diploma. Those requirements are usually stated in writing in your school’s manual. Find out how many units you are required to take. Find out what courses you are required to take. Find out what choices you have in those courses. You might find a course that you would love to take but you didn’t know that it could be offered. Your high school years will not come back again. What you do with those years depends on you. No one else knows your interests and goals as well as you do.

4. Work with your Counselor

Your school’s counselor is a very important resource. If you want to graduate early, let your counselor know. Prove to your counselor that you are mature and willing to do everything it takes to complete your high school years earlier. Whenever I work with a student, the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear from a student that he/she wants to leave high school early, is “Is the student ready for that?”

Take additional Summer Courses

Summer courses are not only for students that have failed a course during the regular school year but also for students that want to progress faster. For example, if you have completed a 9th grade English course successfully, maybe you could take a 10th grade English course during the summer. Whether or not your school will allow you to do that depends on your overall academic performance, working with your counselor, and how much you know about the education law.

6. Take College or Online Courses

Some schools participate in educational partnerships programs with local colleges. Even if your school does not participate in such a program, talk to your counselor to find out if you can take an additional course either at a local college or online. The course has to be approved by your school and it is a good idea to have something in writing that confirms that approval. Taking a college or online course is a great way to earn extra credits, to take a course outside of the regular school time, and to graduate early.

One of the biggest challenges that I have seen when working with students are phrases like “They make me take those boring courses!” or “They make me do this or that in school.” When I hear those phrases, I generally ask the student, “Who is in charge of your education?” Most students, after thinking seriously about my question for a moment, answer – “I am.” That’s how I know if a student might be ready to leave high school early.


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