How to Make and Keep Lifelong Friends

First and foremost are the basic keys,always, always be yourself. Love yourself because no one else can truly love you unless you love yourself. Be honest, there is no reason to lie especially to a friend.Enjoy and embrace the things that you do have in common and don’t dwell on the things that you don’t have in common,no one will be exactly like you and what fun would it be if they were.Share and talk,having a friend means having to express how you feel about things,personal issues as well as worldly issues and anything else in between.Laugh and cry together,when you laugh or cry with someone you are letting them in and sharing a feeling that is heartfelt and sincere.

I have four people who I honestly can say are my best friends and each one of them different and each one of them I have things in common with.First off,my mom,we have always been friends every since I was young.She is the friend that I can call at any time of day or night for any reason.She is also the friend that when I just need to ‘chill out’ she understands and gives me that room to take a step back and breathe.She listens to me and always offers sound advice that usually makes perfect sense.I thank her every chance I get for basically just letting me be me,she has always seen my potential and has always been my guidance and reassurance in life.The things that we have in common are,our love for family,taste in music and movies,our love to travel and see new things,our easy going persona,our optimist look on life and when we love someone we like to show it.

My husband,we have known each other for what seems like a lifetime already.We met about 23 years ago on school bus and were that cute little boyfriend/girlfriend terminology a couple times.He was always the guy that would sit on the phone and let me go on and on about my other friends or even other boyfriends that I had.We never took advantage of the friendship that we had over through adolescent years, we joked and played around,of course at that time I never thought that we would marry him but looking back now I think it has made everything so much easier.We are still best friends,we laugh together,make each other laugh,cry together,act goofy together and we truly love each other.The things that we have in common are music,movies,going to concerts,going out to eat,taking pictures and spoiling our doggies and the way we express our love.

My friend Kim,I met her in middle school about 22 years ago,she had just moved to Kansas from California and didn’t really know a whole lot of people.We started talking and immediately hit it off.She is my friend that I like to hang out with,she is fun,honest,sincere and always is my side kick through any situation,as I am hers.I would say that our bond is more sisterly anytime I need her for any reason she is definitely there no questions asked.What we have in common is shopping,dancing,going to the movies,traveling,going to clubs and selflessness in a true friendship.

My friend Shannon,I met Shannon in grade school besides my mom I have actually known her the longest.We used to be inseparable in grade school,we spent pretty much every weekend together,whether we were just hanging out having a sleep over,going to the mall with our moms or doing whatever.Shannon is probably the friend that wears her heart on her sleeve the most.She has always been very easy going,honest and heartfelt.I lost touch with her for a few years but now have reunited with her and the feelings that we had has friends years ago still remain.The things we have in common are spending time with our kids and family,love for music and just still holding on to that nostalgic feeling for life in general.

So, once you have made a friend and you have that bond don’t take advantage of it,let them know what their friendship means to you,spend time with them,listen to what they have to say offer advice if needed,share stories,make memories,be a shoulder to cry and love with a open mine and unselfish heart.

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