How to Manage Your Time in College

In college, the responsibility for scheduling your time and making room for all you have to do rests squarely on your shoulders. One of the most serious mistakes you can make in college is to commit the error of thinking that you have “plenty of time” to get things done. That is why it is especially important for college students to be selective and prioritize how they want to spend their time.

College is a great time to experiment with new things. Having priorities will help you balance new experiences with focus for the things that really matter to you. The responsibility for scheduling your time and making room for all you have to do rests squarely on your shoulders. The goal here is to learn how to effectively manage your time at college, while still having a little time for yourself.

With all the responsibilities in college, any student will find it difficult to manage their time, especially at a young age. Remember that if a college student will have inappropriate time management, then it will have lasting effects as shown by the failure of grades. Hence, the necessity of time management. Time management is when you are able to manage your self by making use of the its basic principles. Self management will make time not as an opponent, but as a friend.

There are some benefits you could gain from time management. First, you will be able to have more accomplishments. Second, you will be able live an ordered life. Third, there will be more extra time. Fourth, you will be able to meet deadlines. Fifth, procrastination will be overcome. Sixth, the reduction of stress. Here are a few tips for effectively managing your time in college.

Pay attention to how your time is spent.

Do not procrastinate on chores to be done. Do not leave assignments and projects until the last minute.

Schedule enough time in the day for doing things you enjoy and for eating and sleeping. Getting enough sleep is beneficial to those with an active schedule.
Learn to delegate things that do not need your attention.

Use your time wisely. If you take the bus, plan to catch up on your reading while traveling.

Get into the habit of writing things down, don’t rely on memory alone.

Complete the more difficult assignments or task first.

Avoid being a perfectionist.

Follow a strict daily schedule.

Create a to-do list.

Be true to yourself and some quiet, alone time.

Personal time is very important in maintaining time management. Even though you may work part time and doing so isn’t necessarily counter-productive to success at school, you’ll still need to take some time for yourself and for recreation each week. A starting guideline might be something like 10% of your week, or 17 hours. What is more important than these specific targets is that you spend enough time on school work to ensure that you’re successful and that you spend enough time outside of school to ensure that you have a healthy balance.

Allow for unanticipated interruptions in your schedule, because they will happen. This means leaving some empty spaces during the day or in some way being flexible enough to handle interruptions. If the unexpected does not happen, time is available to do something you were saving until the next day. Schedule homework early in the day so it is less likely to be crowded out by unexpected events like meeting an old friend or having a roommate ask for help with one of his classes. Homework should be a part of each day’s schedule.

You can never regain time once you lost it. In order to develop and advance in your personal life, you should wise in using your time. By the time you get old you could always go back and reminisce about your beautiful memories and activities. Always bear in mind that a well-spent time is more valuable than gold. Time management is a very vital instrument that can help you in achieving success in school, job and other personal undertakings.

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