How to Prevent the Next PMS Headache

Many women suffer from PMS headaches every month. A PMS headache is a premenstrual syndrome headache that comes when your menstrual period is about to come. The reason why you get PMS headaches is because your hormones change so much that it is easier for you to get a headache. It can be very unpleasant, and it sometimes is so bad that it even keeps women from their daily activities. That is why it is important to try to avoid getting a PMS headache at all costs. Here are some tips on how to prevent the next PMS headache:


Meals are very important in helping to prevent PMS headaches. Lots of women are notorious for skipping meals especially breakfast. Do not do that. Your body really needs a healthy breakfast to help you start off your body right. Also, make sure your meals contain protein and fiber because that can help ward off a PMS headache. Be sure to eat all of your healthy meals on a regular schedule.


There are several foods that can also actually trigger your PMS headache. You will want to stay away from these things. Even though most women like to eat chocolate around the time their monthly menstrual cycle peaks, you will want to put down that candy bar. Chocolate is actually a huge trigger for helping to make a PMS headache come on. Also put away that wine and cheese. Try to eat a healthier snack like cut up apples and a handful of grapes.


You know how your doctor is always trying to push you to drink a ton of glasses a day of water? Well, that is exactly what you should be drinking if you want to prevent your next PMS headache. You will want to try to keep your body hydrated, and that means you should be drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Stay away from caffeine. Caffeine is another trigger for getting a PMS headache. So put down that coffee cup filled with caffeine, and pick up a glass of water instead. Your body will love you for it.


Get off the couch ladies. It is time for some exercise. Your body needs to stay active if you want to learn how to prevent the next PMS headache. Many women just want to curl up on the couch and settle in for the day when PMS comes their way. However, this is not at all helpful in keeping away PMS headaches. So even if you do not feel like it, push yourself to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.


If you want to help prevent PMS headaches, then you will want to stay away from salt. Try to eat a low sodium diet. Salt makes your body have more fluid in it. That can help make a PMS headache come on. Do not eat your very salty fries with your burger, but eat some yummy vegetables instead. You may want to hide your salt shaker until your menstrual period is over with.


Try to keep away from stress as much as possible. Stress can lead to your body tensing up making you more vulnerable to getting a PMS headache. Make sure you help relieve your stress in your body by getting a good night’s rest of at least 8 hours. Try writing in a journal to help deal with your emotions if your are feeling really stressed out, or go to the gym and work out. Hopefully by following these simple tips you will be able to learn how to prevent the next PMS headache.


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