How to Produce a Homemade Star Wars Birthday Party

I wanted to plan a fabulous Star Wars party for my son. I scoured the Internet for new and different ideas. I came up with several that I altered to fit our needs. Many of the games, decorations and creative foods were things I thought of that fit the Star Wars theme. I wanted to get it all written down so others could enjoy my many hours of brain work. Many of these ideas, you could use for any themed party by changing a few minor details.

The goal was to make it a WOW party without spending a lot of money. I also find the pre-made themed stuff in stores to be boring, typical and very expensive. You can use as much or as little as you want of that stuff. You can buy the pricey paper products that go along with a Star Wars party or you can buy solid colors that match your other decorations and put a Star Wars sticker here or there on them. Or you could print out Star Wars photos from the Internet and glue them on paper goods, banners etc. using a glue stick. I came up with so many ideas that I couldn’t possible use them all. I have given you many options, sometimes for things you only need one idea to use. Feel free to change things, as I did, to fit your needs. Use as many recycled things as possible to keep costs down.


– One option is to have someone in your family dress up as Darth Vader and then video tape them asking the guests to come to the party giving the required information to the viewers. A voice changing Darth mask is best to use since it sounds like Darth Vader. You can make copies of this on your CD Burner on your computer so that guests can view it in a DVD player. The total cost is very low since recordable Cd’s are inexpensive. You, then mail the CD/DVD to each guests. This goes right along with my desire for a WOW party. Guests will call you excited about your party.

– Another option for an invitation is to simply add text in a Star Wars like font (called distant galaxy on my program) to a regular sized piece of paper or card stock. You can copy and paste Yoda or another character right off the web to put on your invitation. Your only cost is the paper, ink and postage. Ours turned out very nice and we used the following wording similar to that in the Star Wars movies.

In a galaxy far, far away…a boy of destiny was born. The Jedi Council named him Sammy. He was the Chosen One. In the five years that has followed his birth, he has been learning the powers of the Force. Master Yoda is urging the younglings to complete their Jedi training and take part in the upcoming trials at Joyce Park, Shelter 22 on Sunday, August 17. Padawan Johnny’s presence is requested to complete his Jedi Training. Please advice the Jedi Council at 555-5545 as to whether your Padawan will accept the challenge.

– Other options for invitations are to just use the theme of space and make one with stars and shiny silver paper. Or, you could get rocks and cover them with aluminum foil and send each guest a “moon” rock with the information on the rock. You could send a traditional invitation and put glow-n-the-dark stars ( most dollar stores carry them) inside the envelope with each invitation. You could also send an invitation with your children’s picture on it, adding Star Wars characters.


The goal with the decorations is to do something new and less expensive. Any mom or dad can go out and buy pre-made Star Wars banners etc. Below are ideas other than the same ol’ balloons and streamers. You don’t even need to buy either of those. A little creativity will go a lot further and the pricey balloons won’t be missed

– If your child already has Star Wars toys, this is an easy one. If he/she does not, try and borrow some from friends, as we did, and use those to decorate tables, ceilings (hanging fliers from the ceiling with fishing line) and even walls. The children responded better to the actual toys than any other decorations. Light Sabers hanging all over give it a real “Jedi Training” feel.

– Take small pieces of candy or other gifts and wrap them in foil and put them all over the room as moon rocks to decorate. After the party have the guests take them home.

– Make a table especially for the Jedi Training Trial Registration process. Put it in a prominent place in the room so everyone can see it. It will serve a purpose during the party and it is an attractive decoration. We took a table and covered it in a plastic table cloth (1 dollar) and then set up a presentation board across it with each trial written across along with other information about the party. One side we used as an “all about the birthday boy” board and put pictures of Sammy and things about him. We also hung the Jedi IDs from the side of the board. I made them with business ID holders that you can buy at an office supply store. I just printed a picture of each child (you can easily just do their name) and then the numbers 1-4. I then cut out the ID and slid it into the plastic opening in the ID holder. During the party, as they finished a trial, we placed a Star Wars sticker over each number representing it being completed. You can hang the ID’s on the board until the children arrive and then you can present each one with a Jedi ID and place it around their necks. This gets the children even more excited to begin the trials.

– You can decorate tables with anything you have that is Star Wars. You can also put little star confetti’s or tiny pictures of the birthday boy/girl all over the tables.

-Signs and banners can be everywhere or nowhere. The toys and table set the tone alone. If you choose to do signs, you can copy and paste Star Wars characters from the web and then make computer generated signs with your child’s name on each one. I never understood when people bought $5 banners for a party when they had a perfectly good computer and printer at home. A child always recognizes their name so a sign with their name makes them feel special. I always print pictures of my kids on their signs and then I keep them. You can use regular paper or photo paper for a shiny more professional signage look.


Most children’s birthday parties have plenty of food and drinks but they are not themed. They are there to eat and that is it. Not at this party! The following is a list of some of the cool things you can serve at your Star Wars party. Keep in mind that labeling them can be done several ways. You can print out letter size paper signs with the name and use a glue stick to apply it to a 2 liter of pop or a jug of juice, or you could make little tent like cards with the name. You can also announce the name of each food. The children loved that we named the food!

WOOKIE COOKIES- Put a picture of the Wookie Family or leave it plain.

YODA SODA- (Sprite) Put a picture of Yoda on the label or leave it plain.

PRINCESS PUNCH- (Hawaiian Punch) Put pictures of Leia and Amadala or leave it plain.

JABA JUICE- (Green Hawaiian Punch) Put a picture of Jabba or leave it plain.





You really could adapt it to any food you are serving. Let me assure you though that even if you merely write these names on paper and tape them on, it is worth doing! The kids loved it and they kept referring to the food with the new names.

Now, these are the 4 trials that your guests need to pass in order to be a real Jedi and receive their certificates. There is no need for a pricey pinata. If you want to give them prizes, you can after each trial or you can have them turn in their completed ID’s for a bigger prize at the end. We filled a nearby table with tons of small prizes and let them pick one after each trial was completed. Notice all the trials are easy little games but when given the Star Wars theme, become very exciting for the children.

Explain with a microphone or an official sounding voice why every young padawan needs a light saber for battle etc. Then, explain that they will construct their very own light saber. Set up a table with several different colors of duct tape (or an off brand) and foam insulators (home improvement store) or pool noodles and allow the children to create their own Light Sabers. They simply wrap the saber in the duct tape color of their choice. You might want to make a “handle” of silver on the bottom before they start so that they use less of the color duct tape since it cost more. These things are incredible. They are fun to make, soft to be hit with and very durable. My children are still playing with them daily. It is a perfect thing for each guest to get to take home to remember the party. Moms love them because they are NOT the tiny party favors that usually lay on the floor for weeks to come. We got so many compliments on these. After they are all finished, place a sticker over the number 1 on their ID’s.

TRIAL #2 LIGHT SABER TRAINING: Play Star Wars music as a leader/master gives simple sequences for the guests to follow with their new light sabers. After a couple of practices, have the leader do a 3 or 4 step sequence until everyone has mastered it. This trial makes for great pictures. The master or leader could be dressed with a robe or cape for effect. Have the master put the sticker over the number 2 on each guest’s ID.

TRIAL #3 DISC FLYING PRACTICE: Tape up, ahead of time, hoola hoops so they are hanging from a ceiling or wall. Explain to the children that they must learn to use the force. Have each child “use the force” by throwing discs (Frisbees or small paper plates stapled together, up side down, to look like a UFOs) through the hoops. Let them do several (the paper plate idea works best because you can make 15 or so of them) so that it takes up more time and everyone can cheer them on. Be sure and yell “USE THE FORCE SAMMY” for effect. After all the children have taken a turn, put a sticker over number 3 on their ID’s.

TRIAL #4 POD RACING: By far, this was the hit of the party! I made 2 Pod Racers out of large appliance boxes and then added wings (they really don’t resemble a pod racer much but no one noticed) and then spray painted them black and silver and put a number on each of them. I placed the box, opened at the bottom over my son’s ride-on toy. You can borrow them if you do not own any. The ones with a handle work the best but any type will work. Each guest was given a partner. They took turns either pushing the pod or “driving” the pod during the race. We gave each “driver” a pair of goggles (dollar store) to wear. It was great. They were pushing those “pods” all over the place trying to win the race. You can play music during this trial for effect as well. Place a sticker over the number 4 after the trial is completed.

You can have any many or as few trials as you like. Four went very fast but it was enough since we still had cake and presents to do. You can have a little ceremony where the children get their certificates stating they are real Jedi’s. You can make these on the computer by adding characters from the movie and then use a certificate template from any print program. I did them in color but you can do them in black and white or hand write them.


This might be where you choose to buy a cake for convenience. If you choose to make a cake, there are options. Tiny toys are perfect to add to a normal sheet cake. You can also purchase a Star Wars cake pan and go that route. I made a simple box cake mix but did half the cake in chocolate and half in white. I did the entire cake with that theme in mind. I did a half dark side and half light side cake. It was fun and easy. I am terrible at making cakes but I was shocked that it looked very nice. I put white icing on the “light” side along with tiny characters who represented the light side. I did the same with the dark side. The children loved it. I felt proud that I had saved over 25 bucks on the cake alone. It cost me less than 5 bucks to make the whole thing.


You can still hand out goodie bags if you want. We chose not to since the guests were already taking home a light saber, all the prizes from the trials/games and then a Star Wars watch (dollar store) that we had wrapped around their Jedi certificates. You can put those light sticks that you break and then they light up, glow in the dark stars, tiny star wars figures..stuff like that in a goodie bag.

The biggest thing to remember when doing a party like this one is to try and save money while making it unforgettable. You can take something you have and incorporate in into something Star Wars-like. While you are doing other things like sitting in your car stuck in traffic, go over in your brain ways to do things at the party. I can tell you that my best memories from childhood are from times when we did things in a creative ways versus the same old way. Will your kids remember balloons, streamers, a pre made cake and napkins with Yoda on them as much as Pod Racing and Light Saber construction? I don’t think so. May the force be with you!

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