How to Sell Your Handmade Jewelry Designs to Hair Salons

Are you looking for new markets for your handmade jewelry designs? You may have tried selling your creations on sites such as Ebay without success or, even worse, sold them for less than your time and effort are worth. This can be a frustrating experience, particularly for a new jewelry designer. Why not explore some local markets for your handmade jewelry designs? One of the best markets for handmade jewelry, particularly earrings, are local hair salons.

Why are hair salons such a good market for handmade jewelry? Women who visit hair salons are often quite fond of jewelry. Plus, they’ve just received a haircut and want to show off their new look. What better way to do it than by purchasing a pair of unique handmade earrings to show off their new hairstyle or color?

Hair salons are usually quite willing to display designs from local jewelry artisans since it gives them a chance to carry unique designs that other hair salons don’t sell. If a hair salon isn’t willing to purchase your designs outright, they may be amenable to a consignment arrangement where you get paid a portion of the proceeds after the item sells. To protect your own profits, don’t settle on an arrangement that’s less than 60/40 in your favor. You may be able to negotiate for a 70/30 split if you provide the display and literature describing your jewelry.

If you’re selling earrings, the best place to display them is at the counter where the salon customer goes to pay. Who can resist taking a closer look at an attractive display of unique handmade earrings? They make great impulse purchases.

To get your handmade jewelry designs into salons in your area, make a list of hair salons that cater to a more upscale clientele, particularly if you make higher end jewelry from more expensive components such as semiprecious stones, crystals, or sterling silver. Call each salon and set up an appointment to meet with the owner. Never call on a salon unannounced as they’re usually too busy to meet with you and you may make a poor impression.

At your meeting, bring along samples of your handmade jewelry designs. The best way to display them is against a dark velvet background which you can easily make yourself out of heavy cardboard and velvet from your local fabric store. Be sure to have a sheet outlining your policies and pricing information. You want to be the consumate professional at this important meeting.

Continue meeting with salons on a weekly basis until you have a few that are willing to carry your designs. Be careful not to market your handmade jewelry to salons that are too close in proximity to one another to avoid competition between salons. Once you’ve established that your jewelry sells in local salons, you can begin visiting salons outside your immediate area with your unique handmade earrings and jewelry designs. You can build quite a successful jewelry design business in this manner.

So, if you’re frustrated by the prospect of marketing your handmade jewelry at craft shows and online, why not give your local hair salons a try?

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