How to Shoot a Soccer Ball like Ronaldo

One of the major criticisms of the game of soccer is that a game can end in a 0-0 draw. There can sometimes be little scoring. If you ever actually watch a soccer game that ends in a 0-0 draw, you most likely saw some poor finishing from the strikers and midfielders. This guide can teach you how you can finish like a professional and score goals from farther out in just a few easy steps. No guide like this alone can improve your abilities; the only way to get better is to practice out on the pitch with a capable goalkeeper in net. Repetition of these steps is key to successful execution in match-play.

Before the shot-

Where are you on the pitch? Are you too far away from the goal?

What is the goalkeeper’s position? Is he too far out? Should you chip it over his head?

Are you under pressure by defenders? Is there time and space to put a shot on goal?

Should you be passing to a teammate? Is one of your teammates in a better position to shoot the ball?

These are all questions that should quickly go through your mind when you decide to take a shot on goal. The best players in the world are able to produce the answers to these questions the quickest.

First- Leg Position

Bring your kicking leg as high back as possible to ensure you are getting maximum power. Your plant leg should be attacking the area next to the ball. You should also be preparing to put all of your weight on that leg.

Second- Ankle Position

Keep your ankle locked throughout the kick.

Important: Ankle should be locked at 45 degrees when you strike the ball so you do not strike it with your toe.

Third- Knee Position

Your plant knee should be slightly bent so you can generate more power as you shift your weight forward toward the ball. You kicking knee should obviously be bent as far back as possible to generate maximum power as you swing through the ball.

Forth- Foot Position

Your plant foot should be planted 3-5 inches horizontal with the ball. You plant foot should also be pointing in the general direction of where you want to put the ball.

Fifth- Body Position

DO NOT LEAN BACK- Make sure you lean slightly forward over the ball, or else you will not get an accurate strike, and it will most likely go high of the target.

*Always follow though as much as possible*

If you follow these guidelines when you practice you should improve your accuracy and power. After mastering the art of shooting you should not hesitate to shoot from outside the penalty area, and from bad angles. Too often I see skilled players play the entire game without taking a shot from outside the penalty area. Putting shots on net is the only way to truly test and put pressure on a goalkeeper. Hopefully after executing these 5 basic guidelines, you will be closer to hitting the ball like Cristiano Ronaldo.

Remember- You can’t score if you don’t shoot!

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