How to Start a Book Club on FaceBook

Book clubs are a great way to read books and share your thoughts about the book. It gives everyone a chance to reflect on what they have read in the book. Many libraries and bookstores start book clubs, to name just a couple. Book clubs are very popular and starting one on a social network is a way to share your thoughts with a lot more people. It isn’t hard to start a book club on FaceBook. Once you get it started, you will see how much fun it is to interact with others on the internet about the books that you are reading.

How to start a book club on FaceBook:

Step One: When you sign onto FaceBook, you will be able to start a “group” by going to the newsfeed page and look for the “start a group” link. Click on that link and then fill in all the appropriate information.

Step Two: Decide how often you would like the group to meet. Remember that everything can be changed when you have members and you have a chance to discuss it with others. Be certain that you are careful with choosing a name. Whatever name that you choose will stick and you will not be able to change it once you have added it.

Step Three: Decide on the first book that you would like to read and find out all the information on where to find the book. Don’t forget the book title, author and the price of the book. You will also want the date that you would like to start reading the book and how much of the book to read.

Step Four: Invite people to join the group. Choose people whom you know enjoys reading. Leave a note when you send the invitation so people understand what the group is about. After you have people who are willing to join the club, give everyone a chance to purchase the book and read up to the point that needs to be read. Each person can start a part of the conversation about that part of the book by leaving a comment after they are done. That can get the conversation started and everyone can have their say. Once everyone is satisfied that the discussion has been thoroughly covered, you can move on to the next chapters.

Step Five: If anyone feels the need to continue with the discussions, they can go back to the discussions that were already in play and leave their comments. It’s a great way to discuss a book. You can keep on schedule and everyone can move on when they are ready without holding others up in the process.

Starting a book club on FaceBook is a great way to read books and have intelligent discussions about those books. It is great for people with little time to spare to join a live discussion group for book clubs. It can be hard to fit those types of things into their schedules since life seems to be over filled with events nearly every day of our lives. If you love to read and you know that there are others out there that might be interested, starting an book club in FaceBook could be just the answer you are looking for.

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