Backpack girls are other best friends, so it’s no wonder women want their best friends. Whether it’s Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Coach or Prada, a handbag is the best accessory a woman can carry.
Unfortunately, there is a huge market for punching bags. Obviously, if you get a Louis Vuitton for $50, you can safely assume the bag is fake. But if you’re looking at a cute LV bag on, say, eBay for example, you’ll want to do some research before paying $200 (a fee in Louis Vuitton’s marketer’s words) to a non-legitimate seller.
One of the main trademarks of any designer bag quality. Most of them are designer handbags, which is part of the reason why they are more expensive than other handbags. Telltale signs of a fake bag include uneven stitching, puckered seams or low-quality material. The sewing thread must be the same color as the bag. Louis Vuitton uses one piece of fabric to make a handbag. Therefore, seams and seams are kept to a minimum.
Designers quality control have high standards. They provide the best construction materials for their customers to spend their money on. The bag must stand by itself, not fall. The top handle is always made of soft leather, or leather that is heavier. You will never see a designer bag made from a second-rate fabric like plastic or polyester. In addition, designer purses are built to last. Designers should never sell a substandard product. If taken care of, a designer wallet can last a lifetime. If it looks like a cheap product, it probably is.
If using eBay, be careful of sellers who have a large amount of the same type of product. Fakes are easy to mass-produce. And the more creative the seller posts, the better. It will give you a better idea of what to look for in an authentic wallet. Designers are big on their hand bags. No designer bag has a handle wrapped in plastic or fabric. The real deal will come with a dust bag and identification.
While many manufacturers may duplicate a designer’s signature or trademark, there are ways to tell a bona fide from a fake. For example, Louis Vuitton bags have “Louis Vuitton Paris, Made in France” engraved. Hermès bags say “Hermès Paris.” The hair stamp should raise the letter against the print. The identification number printed in the middle of the identification number on the Coach bag must have an incised “No.” followed by the number four.
You should also examine smaller details like zippers and press buttons. For example, manufacturers mark “LV” on zippers much like a real Louis Vuitton bag, however, the monograms must be clear and accurate. Fakes are monogrammed and they tend to look cute. In Juicy Couture bags, look for the “J” shape leather that is all leather, making sure the leather is not shiny. Coach uses YKK zippers instead of pins, so make sure you check the minutes.
Another way to distinguish a real bag from a fake is to visit designer websites or online stores to research the details. If the bag isn’t on the website, odds are the seller is trying to pass off a fake bag for the real thing.
If using an auction site like eBay sounds like too much work, other websites like (run by a company that owns Dior and (owned by Vuitton) and (in which Jimmy Choo is affiliated) are both legitimate dealers of designer bags. You can trust these suppliers to provide you with an authentic wallet.
While, price is not always indicative of quality, you should suspect that some high-end handbags are offered for a low price. If you are unsure, don’t buy.