How to Use One Cookie Dough to Make Ten Different Cookies

We all love homemade cookies, But each of us seem to like different kinds of cookies. Some of us like chocolate chip cookies, while many others like peanut butter cookies. What if you could make 10 different kinds of cookies using one cookie dough recipe? Well, you can! I have one cookie dough recipe that will sure make any type of cookie you decide to make delicious.

I am going to tell you, and teach you how to make this one-cookie-dough recipe from scratch. I will teach you how to get 10 different kinds of cookies out of the one cookie dough as well. Are you ready? I know I sure am!

You will first need these simple ingredients and items, A pre-heated oven of 365 degrees, 2 large cookie sheets, 1 large mixing bowl, 1 large egg, 1 1/4 a cup of all purpose flour, 3/4 a cup of brown sugar, 1 stick of butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, A pinch of salt, and one mixing spoon. Now this is all you will need to have to make your One Cookie Dough Recipe, that will make you 10 different kinds of cookies of your choice and liking.

Step one is to measure out all your wet Ingredients. You will need: 3/4 cup of brown sugar ,1 stick of real soft butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and 1 large Egg. Then what you will want to do is blend all these wet ingredients in a large bowl on high speed with a blender for about 2 minutes, or until lightly fluffy. Mixture should look creamy and buttery!

Step two would be to measure out all dry Ingredients . You will need 1 1/4 cup of all purpose flour ,1 teaspoon of baking soda , and 1 pinch of salt. Then you must sift all your dry ingredients together in a sifter, and begin sifting your dry ingredients into a large bowl. By doing this you will have combined all your dry ingredients together.

Step three would be to combine all your wet and dry ingredients together with a mixing spoon until a dough ball forms. Then you will add any one cup of your favorite pieces of Candy, or Chips you want to this dough. This is where and when you can make 10 different cookies out of one-cookie-dough recipe. This is how, You could add chocolate chips, Reese Pieces Bites, white chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, M&M;’s, toffee bits, peanut brittle chunks, Mini Hershey Kisses, Mini Peanut Butter Cup Bits, and Junior Mint Chunks. Now that is how you get 10 different kinds of cookies out of one cookie dough. You can choose , and add whatever it is your little heart desires into this one cookie dough, and you can make as many different Cookies as you like without changing the whole Cookie Dough Recipe. Now isn’t that nice.

Step four would be to cook those cookies! Start by taking the cookie dough with the chips, or candy of your choice, and measure out one tablespoon for each cookie and place it onto a cookie sheet. After that you will place your cookies in the oven for 6-7 minutes, and remove then from the oven and let cool for about 5 minutes. Next you will remove each cookie from the cookie sheet and serve warm with a glass of milk!

That is all it takes to make 10 different cookies using the one-cookie-dough recipe! I hope you all have fun using this recipe to make your 10 different cookies. I know I sure did!

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