Tummy plague us from time to time and in our house, with two pubescent and six years, we have experienced part of the stomach, gas, digestive sluggishness, bloat and other digestive problems, as well as stomach bugs and bugs. floods A disturbed gastrointestinal tract can have a negative impact on our mental health, our energy levels and overall quality of life, so maintaining a happy bowel helps keep us healthy.
An estimated 60 to 70 million people are affected by some sort of digestive disorder, and chronic conditions raise about $141.8 billion in spending on various prescriptions and medications, according to Department of Health and Human Services National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
Like so many other people, many late-night trips to grocery for antacids and over the years spent a lot of money on various remedies over-the-counter like acid blockers or other products to treat some common problems with some minor digestive problems, such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and heartburn.
But then we learned that some of the home remedies from the kitchen work as well as a lot of bought remedies, even partially to improve. digestion, making over-the-counter antacids unnecessary. Readers who are currently taking any medication should check with their medical care providers before consuming home remedies to ensure no side effects. there are potentially harmful complications between home remedies and their medication.
Ginger: Ginger’s ability to soothe upset tummies is legendary. But not all gingers are created equal. While ginger beers are usually consumed when feeling sick, most commercial brands have no ginger at all in them and the ones that do have ginger only have a trace amount. Ginger tablets are available and commonly used on board to cure motion sickness It is also quite easy to find ginger candy, ginger cumin, and ginger. But nothing works as well as using ginger. To keep tummies happy in our house, we make a fresh juice every morning with ginger, cranberries and oranges. Fresh juice with vital nutrients and ginger does wonders for our intestinal tract. For the juice, combine five carrots, one large orange and about an inch of fresh, extracted ginger into the juice. Ginger tea is also easy to make at home – just add some grated ginger to the tea to make it flow.
Crocus Yes, crocus can be expensive, but a little goes a long way. And in fact, buying antacids several times a month can also be expensive. To add a glorious yellow color to food as well, crocus has been used for centuries as a digestive aid and can be added to tea. Researchers believe that crocus stimulates circulation to the digestive organs and the lining of the stomach and colon, according to the site, Herbalist.com.
Coconut water. Coconut water is starting to become popular and is readily available in most grocery stores. Over the years, weight loss aid, acne remedy and remedy have been tried. High in potassium, electrolytes and iron, coconut water is also low in calories. Be sure to look for a brand with no added sugar. In our house, whenever someone has a stomach bug and experiences vomiting or diarrhea, we make them drink pure boiled water. – helps to rehydrate and replace lost electrolytes.
Mineral water. Natural mineral water is another great digestive aid since it includes bicarbonates, the main ingredient in heartburn remedies. Drinking it every day can help keep the digestive system balanced. There are many different types of mineral water on the market and prices vary. Look for a natural one rather than one where bicarbonates are simply added to plain water. Mineral water can be taken by itself or mixed with juice or even tea. Try mixing equal parts of mineral water, coconut water and pineapple juice for a lively and tasty tummy tickler.
Tummy soothing tea: Mix in a brewing tea ball or basket about one teaspoon of rosemary and about an inch of peeled, chopped ginger. Add your favorite tea. We found that Aenean was a mild-mannered player, but some players. Put about three glasses of boiling water – more or less according to your taste – and let it see until the desired strength is obtained. Enjoy each morning to take care of your digestive system.
1. US Department of Health and Human Services National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, Dec. 6, 2011: http: / /digestive.niddk.nih.gov/statistics/statistics.aspx#all.
2. Herbalist.com, visited Dec. 6, 2011, http://www.herbalist.com/wiki.details/78/categoriae/11/start/0/