Instant Relief from Restless Leg Syndrome

Do you gradually get a creeping, tingling, unpleasant or burning sensation in your legs? Does constant uncontrollable leg movement seem necessary but provide no relief? Are these uncomfortable feelings making you lose sleep? You have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). If that’s the case for you, or if you’ve been diagnosed with RLS, it may seem like little is known about the cause, treatment, or relief of the symptoms. For to come to the smallest detail, I went into various ways in which to fight with my comrades.

Restless Leg Syndrome is defined as a sleep disorder with multiple and varied symptoms, especially an excessive urge to move the legs. Sometimes it is felt in the arms. Although the cause is unknown and is usually associated with other underlying conditions, it has also been linked to caffeine and nicotine intake, prescription drugs, genetics, anemia, severe pain and stress to name a few.

I myself suffer from RLS and have received treatment as a secondary condition of Multiple Sclerosis. Although I have only been diagnosed with MS for 7 years, I have a history of RLS going back to my childhood. My experience has been that the RLS symptoms are worse if I sit and have my feet elevated or put pressure on my calves , such as he crouches from the leg, he crouches on the chair. I have fewer episodes if I sit with my legs elevated.

When considering what proactive measures to take against RLS, it is important to note the frequency of symptoms. Some cases are more serious than others, and a prescription may be in order. For those who cannot tolerate or do not want to take certain medications, there are also remedies and natural and mineral supplements boasting fruits. Magnesium, a natural muscle relaxer, sometimes helps. I have no first-hand experience with these types of remedies, but make sure to check with your doctor before starting a new supplement regimen.

As in my case, one prescription was given for muscle spasms also for RLS. I am now also working at night vigils and troubles. I needed coping methods for the times when medication could not keep my emotions at bay. My personal research led me to various methods of dealing with the various feelings I experienced. Unfortunately, these methods are not preventive in nature and will be used for relief.


One method I use when the senses include releases, crawling or pulling, is to do a stretching exercise. Put yourself about two feet from the wall. Place your hands on the wall and lean toward the wall as if you were doing a standing push-up. I then rest in this position for a few seconds. Repeat as necessary. This is like stretching the nerves before a workout.

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Your calf muscles are well worked if done correctly. Start at the ankle and place your hand on the back of your ankle. Bring your hand to the knee by pressing and pulling at the same time. Continue this until relief is obtained. If you have a very strong understanding partner, have support for yourself.


If the two above-mentioned methods do not relieve anything, you can sometimes rub with an analgesic such as Ben-Gay or Icy Hot. This treatment provides a combination cooling/heating effect that overcomes the sensation of RLS.

When the symptoms are more of a burning sensation, I find that standing or walking on a cold floor or cement provides immediate results. In most cases, a cold shower or cold water bottle with cold water is necessary to provide longer lasting results.

When you suffer from such discomfort as RLS, almost any relief will be sought. I hope you will try some of these methods until you find one that works. It may not work for every situation as RLS can be a combination of various symptoms, but having an arsenal of ideas at your disposal will undoubtedly help you be more prepared the next time the event strikes. There is no cure for this disorder, but thankfully there are things you can do to minimize its impact on your life.


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