Interesting Hippopotamus Facts

What is the most ferocious of all wild animals in Africa? The lion? Believe it or not hippos are responsible for more deaths, in Africa, than any other wild animal. We’ve all see the footage of lazy hippos lying around in the sun, yawning in the heat. Well, when a hippo yawns that’s not a sign of being tired. It’s a sign of anger. When a hippo feels threatened he opens his mouth and shows his killer teeth. And, if that doesn’t scare off the threat he’s perfectly capable of attacking.

Although the hippo used to live in Africa, Asia and Europe he now makes his home up and down the Nile. Hippos love rivers with deep water but are also spotted in salt water areas like river mouths. They eat grass and fruit but sometimes dine on farmers’ crops.

Hippos have to stay immersed in water for long periods of time because their skin is very thin and is subject to overheating and dehydration. At night the hippos graze in nearby grasslands, consuming 88 pounds of grass per night. Most hippos live 20 to 30 years, some of them settling down in one area for their entire life.

The hippo is the 3rd largest animal in the world, next to the elephant and the white rhino. Although the hippo is slightly smaller than the white rhino but much heavier. Hippos measure about 5 feet tall and about 12 feet long, with a mouth that measures two feet across. With this much weight you’d think a hippo would be slow but they can easily outrun humans.

The main enemies of the hippo are crocodiles, lions and hyenas. A hippo will usually give a warning of either yawning, lunging, or dung-showering. The hippo will often turn backside to an enemy and let dung fly. This is done to show confrontation or even superiority.

Most of the famous African explorers made notations in their journals about mishaps with hippos. Hippos have killed people and with their powerful jaws, have even been known to bite a small boat in half. Although hippos do not kill humans for food they will kill if they feel threatened in any way.

Recent DNA tests show that the hippo is actually closely related to whales and dolphins, rather than other hoofed animals. The hippo gives birth underwater and nurses the young in the water, with both mom and babies coming up, on occasion, for air.

Hippos have strange eyes, considering the eyes of other animals. Some animals have slits for eyes, others have rectangular or even square pupils. The hippo has a “T” shaped pupil which allows him to see above water and below water at the same time. There are lots of great hippo web sites if you’d like to read more about this powerful, interesting creature. If you ever plan to visit Africa you’re likely to see some hippos but run for cover if you see them yawn!

If you would like to visit the a Hippos on the east coast, check out,”Adventure (aquarium) is Just A Short Drive Away in South Jersey.”


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