Is a Siberian Husky the Right Breed for You?

Our lives changed five years ago when, on Father’s Day, I decided to buy my husband a puppy. Although we lived in the country, Marcus wanted a big dog.

Many people in our neighborhood had big dogs, and a few kept two big dogs in small apartments. Since one day Mark hopes to move us to the snowy north, we decided to investigate Siberian-husky breeding, as some prospective pet owners have before. buy a pet And not many others have taken up his character
to immerse

Well, if you’re looking for a guard dog then don’t be a “wolf” one
Greg told me on the phone. “They will greet Ruppa in the window, wagging their tails the whole time, show him the way mono and television. Huskies are a very organized breed of people.”

Well, that’s more than I decided. Huskies like people. But we want to pass on the idea of ​​a watchdog. I could live with that, although my husband didn’t want to believe that a Husky couldn’t be made into some semblance of a guard dog. At least he thought, maybe he would protect me and our son and the dog if push came to shove. However, upon further reflection, we decided that it would be best to have a dog that would be friendly with our neighbors and neighbors. friends.

A week later, we drove 45 minutes in 95 degrees to South Carolina to look for a male Husky. In the shepherd’s house, the mother of the litter, Autumn meets us in the living room. He had a coat of dog stainless steel, shiny like a German shepherd. She only weighs 35 pounds because of nursing. The eyes were blue blue eyes, so pale they appeared almost translucent.

The father of the litter, Crazy Zack was in the pen for the rear property.
He weighed a whopping 100 pounds, much larger than the usual 35-60 pound cattle. His mantle, neglected, was like a double layer of sheep. No doubt he likes dogs.

With hairy hairs peeking out from the steps hidden in the hallway, we sat down with Pastor Bryan Duncan at the kitchen table. “If you don’t want to find dead squirrels and mice on your doorstep, then don’t hoarse,” he told us. “It’s like a stalk animal and they can be quite territorial around it.”

Marcus and I still need time to think. We were concerned about the dog getting cold in the humid south. Of course our dog would be an indoor dog, central air conditioning, but would a Russian make a good dog?

Mr. Duncan recommends that we visit our local pet store chain and buy a magazine strictly about Siberian Huskies. We thank him for his time and advice.

We bought a copy of Siberian Huskies from the publishers of Dog Fancy Magazine and rushed home to read it. We learned the history of the Husky, and that they are best known for their heroic efforts in the Alaskan Serum Race. They are allowed to train and run. Huskies need daily physical exercise and their instinct to run is sometimes overwhelming.

Each article explained the mentality and personality of the Husky, and one thing became clear from the personal use of the articles: Huskies have unique and caring dispositions. A certain proud owner said: “If you want a dog that despises your presence, and does not demand your time and attention, do not get a dog.”

Huskies ask. The breed is pack oriented and quickly learns its place in the family. They are social, needy, and require almost constant attention. If he doesn’t pay attention to what he wants, he can be destructive and destructive, destroying furniture or clothing, or digging and cranky, leaving you alone for hours. Often, left alone, the need for company makes him howl and cry.

After devouring the magazine and examining the facts, we decided we wanted Hosky. There was always one at home, rarely a single dog. We were able to walk him in the cooler mornings or evenings on our local trails so he could get plenty of exercise. We called Mr. Duncan, and the next day we bought a male puppy. We named him Sergei Zackovich, or the son of Sergei Zack.

Sergius is now the most valuable family member. If one of us harms the house, either physically or mentally, Sergei feels pain, then showers the injured party with adoring kisses. Winter is my giant teddy bear, and we are on the floor for an evening of LEGO television, and un-conditional love. If one of us gets bored, Sergei is always ready to play, no excuses, no batteries needed.

In the last five years we have not only learned about having a Siberian
Husky, but also about having a dog in class. Dogs are only as good as their treats. We treat Sergius as a person. We talk to him with the same voice as our friends. As with children, tricks for a well-behaved dog of any kind is consistency, encouragement, and a lot. to love.

Just the other day, I sat on the front steps talking to my neighbor, Alison, who has an adorable, playful Labrador named Lead. Just think your dog is so beautiful and trained. And beautiful blue eyes.” She made a silent mouth oooo.

But Alison is a bit of a gamer, and she complained of the Duke’s shedding, and of the hair that had invaded her house. “I was saying to my husband the other day, “I want to be like a dog, but then I found it by thinking.” tag/dog-hair”>dog hair, huh?

Knowing that you husk not once, but twice a year, I looked at her and laughed. See, if you can’t stand dog hair on furniture, dog hair on clothing, and sometimes even on your food, don’t get hoarse

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