Is Beta Mannan a Cure for HPV?

Within a few years, we have found out about HPV is the cause of cervical cancer. They say there is no cure for the HPV virus. What if there is a cure for HPV high risk? There has been a debate on whether Beta mannan is a cure for HPV, but the FDA has not yet approved it. There are at least 100 strains of HPV, some strains cause warts, and other high risks can cause Cervical Cancer. Beta mannan has gotten a bad rap possibly because it is considered as an alternative medicine. There are many counts of Beta mannan “curing” women of this potentially deadly virus. I want to share a personal experience with you about Beta mannan.

I had never heard of Beta mannan prior to being diagnosed 2 years ago with HPV high risk that can cause Cervical Cancer. My Obgyn stated there was no cure, and the only way to treat and prevent HPV from progressing is quarterly pap smears along with biopsy’s, and colposcopy’s. Other than those procedures, the only other way to rid your body of the effects of HPV is to let your immune system do all the work. Well after my first biopsy, I wanted to cry. It was a very painful and uncomfortable procedure. Then I was ordered to have Cryotherapy, which is freezing of the Cervix to kill the infected cells. I completed that procedure with even more pain than the biopsy, in addition to the 6-week restriction of no bathing, wading in water or anything else that may cause an infection in my Cervix.

After the next few appointments, my OBGYN said at that point we just watch and wait, and if any changes occur the whole procedure would be repeated every several months. I could not believe that there was no other alternative treatment other than “watch and wait.I can’t imagine what people that have a more aggressive cancer go through. I then went to my primary care doctor and advised her that I was had been diagnosed with HPV. She then gave me information on Beta mannan.

At that time I hadn’t heard of Beta mannan and what the benefits were. I had done a lot of research after leaving my OBGYN on HPV but nothing showed up about Beta mannan as a possible cure. After I was recommended to look up Beta mannan, there was not much information available. I did come across a website that sold Beta mannan. I purchased a few bottles and started taking them close to the directions given with the purchase. I had a pap smear completed right at the same time when I received the Beta mannan and my OBGYN had advised another biopsy was needed. I scheduled the biopsy in the next 4 weeks and immediately started taking the Beta mannan. By the time my appointment for the biopsy came around, as my OBGYN was doing the procedure she had stated she didn’t see many infected cells at that time. Therefore, my OBGYN opted not to perform another Cryosurgery again and to “watch and wait”. I couldn’t believe that the Beta mannan was so affective and the results were noticed rather quickly.

I do not have any other testimony about Beta mannan except for that one, because after that appointment I completed the remainder of the Beta mannan I had and have not been back to the OBGYN except once. The suggested amount to take Beta mannan is over a 3 to 6 month period. Myself, being in and out of work, and not having health insurance to cover appointments and money to buy Beta mannan I haven’t been able to complete a full recommended dose. Although, if you do a search online for Beta mannan, and its results against HPV high risk and other strains, you will find many testimonies of other women who have has success using this erbal product.

Beta mannan’s ingredients consist of Aloe Vera and Natural Vitamin E. Dr. Joe Glickman Jr. had this product for sale, but with the claims it cured HPV, the FDA did not approve it for a cure and in turn, the product was making false claims and wasn’t for sale for a period of time. To me, the claims are only false because the FDA has not done a complete and thorough study on this amazing product. Beta mannan could be a lifesaver to many all over the world and yet so few know of the benefits. Beta mannan is natural and organic. The Aloe Vera helps support a healthy immune system, thus leading to your body to fight the HPV until it lies dormant. You can read more about Beta mannan and what information Dr. Glickman Jr. has on Beta mannan by visiting his website . In addition, you should be able to purchase Beta mannan online. If you do not want to buy Beta mannan just yet and would like to hear more testimonies of success from real women, then check out some of the websites.

Some may say Beta mannan cannot be a cure for HPV because there is no cure for HPV. My opinion on this is that, if Beta mannan can help boost my immune system and keep HPV dormant to the point where no biopsy’s or Cryotherapy are required, then Beta mannan is a cure for me. I understand I still have to have check-ups, but everyone should get checkups often on several health issues. Therefore, if by taking Beta mannan and living with a dormant strain of HPV only causes me a few doctor appointments, then I am absolutely backing this product as a potential cure for HPV.

Which products have the FDA approved/;=beta%

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