Is Today’s Rap Music Just Too Outrageous?

Rapture is covered in music, it’s overflowing, and it’s really just flattering and inspiring these days. 95% of rap videos involve the tried and true formula of cars, women, money, and drinking. Most rap artists call it a stretch. It’s impossible to tell the difference between Lil Morons and Lil Monetaries on purpose. Most rappers boast about drinking a lot, smoking a lot, having a lot of sex, or making money.

Not all rap music is terrible and there are plenty of rap artists who are actually artists. The Beastie Boys turned the genre into a genre when they broke out in the 80s and continue to do so, except for lame rapists using drink and money. Eminem is a unique artist because while most rappers are about material things and grabbing money; He snatched a troubled life. Busta Rhymes used to be unique when he made rap videos and unique lyrics. Theres also a lot of rappers under the radar that are unique; take Necro who raps about horror movie themes a lot.

So the problem is not with the whole race, but with all these running around thinking they’re gangster and thinking they’re cool< /a> because they listen to music of bearing arms, drinking expensive wine, and refusing women. There is no doubt that this popular rap influences some kids and young adults; materialism is always the highest. All these kids have to fly and meditate just to get to their local shop.

At the same time, rap music should be taken with a grain of salt. Most popular rappers do what popular rappers do. The greater part are no more thieves than their grandmothers; and believe for what they have; We live in a society where drug dealers and convicts become idols of success. Maybe he’s showing that he can turn his life around, or maybe our standards for success are just like declining. I think a lot of older rappers look at the current scene in recent years and shake their heads; their arts and crafts are replaced by whatever hot produce can be intoxicated by the simplest pulse.

In the end, though, rap music will see cycles of increased utility with decreasing utility. His peak is now riding on simple club-ready beats with lyrics that really don’t matter. Many abductors have moved from violence and transmission to looting and hostages, because most of the fans are not in the streets; their in the suburbs America in their parents’ car at the mall with rust 50 cent…

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