Working part-time during college will not only provide you with some extra spending money, it will give you resume experience and networking opportunities. If you’re a college student in the Lubbock area, and are searching for a part-time job, here are some excellent resources to consider. This article is divided into two sections, “Resources with Job Listings”, and “Places to Apply.
Resources with Job Listings
1. Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Okay, this one just seems obvious and common sense, but I have to start with it . (Perhaps someone’s reading this article from another state before coming to Lubbock.) The AJ is Lubbock’s newspaper and the first, but course not the only, resource for job openings. The Sunday paper has the most complete listings, and you can find them advertised online as well.
2. Daily Toreador
The Daily Toreador is the campus newspaper for Texas Tech University. Not a student? Don’t fret, you can still look online for job listings advertised in the paper. Just click on the classifieds and the “help wanted” section. You can often find jobs at daycare centers, restaurants, local business and more posted here.
3. LCU Career Center Job Listings
Even you are not a LCU student, you can browse some of the listings they have. They usually have several part-time job listings such as office assistants, baby-sitters and more.
4. Lubbock Help Wanted
This site doesn’t include a whole lot of listings, but there are still some to choose from. Maybe you’ll find your job here.
5. Lubbock Job Spot
This site is very similar to Lubbock Help Wanted. They have several listings to choose from.
6. G. Boren Services
This is a temporary employment agency. Search under “job opportunities” and you’ll find several listings. It might hard to find one that fits in your college schedule, but you can at least try.
7. Craigslist
Craigslist usually has several listings for jobs, including baby-sitting, restaurant jobs, and more.
8. Everything Lubbock
Everything Lubbock, a web-site run by KAMC28, has a job section. Most are full time openings, but there are a few part time ones as well.
9. Texas Workforce Commission
The TWC has a plethora of job listings. It also offers job seeking tips, job resources and more.
10. KCBD Jobs
KCBD, or Newschannel 11, has several job openings posted on their web-site. You can find retail, restaurant, and other jobs in the area.
Places to Apply
These places are always, or nearly always hiring.
1. AT&T;
Customer Service Reps (Answer calls from AT&T; Clients about their bills, etc.)
2. Convergys (Call Center)
Customer Service Reps (Answer incoming calls.)
3. City of Lubbock
Various jobs – mostly full time
4. Lubbock County
Various jobs – mostly full time
LISD is usually always hiring substitute teachers.
6. Children’s Home of Lubbock
This is a great place to work if you are a Christian and enjoy working with children and helping others.
7. Lubbock State School
If you think you’d like to help the mentally challenged, this is the place to work.
8. UMC
UMC has mostly full-time jobs, but there are some part-time listings as well.
9. Target
With two Target stores in town, they are hiring frequently.
10. Wal-Mart (Hey, you go there a lot anyway!)
Good Luck and Happy Job Hunting!