John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette

I’ve spent my entire life trying to manage my curly damaged hair with drugstore products. I spent 2 years of this life working in an upscale salon, where I tried every fancy, expensive product they offered (with my employee discount) to try and tame this mane. Somethings worked, but with bad side effects. For example most moisturizing conditioners that I used to control frizz left my hair oily and dirty looking, others made my hair feel very dry and coarse. It seemed that not even money could buy me great hair.

Then one day as I was doing some shopping I passed my John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette products, I stopped, remembering the comercial, picked up the conditioner, it said “light reflecting”. That intigued me, my hair had been looking dull, so I popped open to tube to take a whiff. Divine, it smelled so good, I was sold. I only purchased the conditioner, just to give it a try, I was fairly sure it wouldn’t be a miracle worker but the scent alone was worth it for me. Imagine my surprise when after my shampoo I squeeze a dollap of Brilliant Brunette conditioner into my hand, start to work it through my hair and instantly my knotted, tangled and coarse curls turn to silk. Literally, my soaking wet hair felt like pure silk, and after I let it air dry, still so soft. Straight through the heat styling, my hair felt so smooth and soft where it used to be poufy and dry.

After being amazed by John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette conditioner I moved on to his other products in the line and loved them all. They all have a wonderfully rich smell and here’s the big shocker-they actually work. The latest addition to the Brilliant Brunette line is Luminous Color Glaze. At about $10 a bottle (a fraction of what it costs to get a color glaze at a salon) I turned my lacluster brassy hair to a rich jewel tone of brown once again. It only takes about 5 minutes and you can do it right in the shower.

John Frieda also offers the same line of products for redheads and blondes called Radiant Red and Sheer Blonde (the products in all three of these lines are intended for natural of color treated hair).

After years of buying different products all the time just to try to find something that worked, I have now only purchased John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette for over 2 months now. That more than an affair, its practically a marriage! It softened my hair without making it oily and created shine where there once was none. I strongly reccoment giving John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette products a try.


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