Lavender Essential Oil: Health Benefits

• Botanical Name: Lavendula officinalis – Family Lamiaceae
• Popular Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
• Oil properties

  • Color: Clear with a light yellow tinge
  • Consistency: Thin viscosity (watery)
  • Perfumery class: Middle
  • Strength of Aroma: Medium

Plant Description

Lavenders are an herbaceous and fragrant herb from mint family. There are about 39 species found growing in African and Asian tropical regions. Lavandula Intermedia and other species are cultivated in the gardens in France and Mediterranean countries for extraction of lavender oil. The herb has dark greenish linear leaves. The flowers are colored in pale purple flowers. Best quality honey is extracted from these flowers in and around Mediterranean regions.

Common Uses

Lavender essential oil has been conventionally used as an ingredient to produce perfumes. It is also used in gels, soaps, lotion and infusion. The dried Lavender flower is most popularly used to drive moths as well as an herbal freshener. Lavender flowers find some culinary applications too. It is used to decorate cakes. It is also being used for making potpourris.


Steam distillation is the process used to extract lavender oil. Fresh Lavender flower tops are used as raw material. The flower yields about 1.4 to 1.7 per cent of Lavender oil.

Oil properties

Lavender oil – You will like the refreshing herbal smell. You can easily identify the oil from its slightly yellow tinged color and low viscosity (watery). The oil perfectly blends well with different essential oils including Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Geranium, Nutmeg and Pine.

Chemical Constituents

The essential oil is composed of Alpha-Terminal, Beta-Caryophyllene, Borneol, Camphene, Camphor, Cineole, Farnascene, Lavendulyl Acetate, Limonene, Linalool, Linalyl Acetate, And Pinene

Therapeutic properties
The Lavender oil has excellent therapeutic properties. First of all it has an effective anti-biotic, antiviral, bactericide, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. It is an analgesic, astringent, carminative, tonic and stimulant. Its anti-rheumatic, decongestant, deodorant and diuretic properties are noted well. It is also recognized for its anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, antidepressant, sedative, nervine and hypo-tensive properties.


Burners and vaporizers

The Lavender oil vapor therapy will be effective for sleeplessness among adult and children. The vapors will stimulate your brain functioning and will cure headaches, dizziness, nervous tension, anxiety, fear, depression, hysteria, nightmares, trauma and irritability. It will decongest sinus problems and clear respiratory track, relieves body pain and helps to return from alcohol hang outs. Vapors cure allergies, and hay fever,

Blended massage oil or in the bath

When used as bath or massage oil, Lavender will stimulate your brain functioning and improves persistent headaches, nervous tension arising from anxiety, depression, fatigue, fear, insomnia, hysteria, nightmares, trauma and irritability, The oil will also cure common allergies, hay fever, day today stress and stomach disorders,

External Application

If you are suffering from for acne and insect bites just apply the oil blended with carrier oil. For bruises and carbuncles wash the wound and apply the oil. Apply the oil on your scalp to get rid off dandruff and lice.

Cold compress

Use lavender oil on cold compress to cure eczema, arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Cream or lotion

When creams or lotions applied externally, there is a dramatic healing of burns. You will not get any scar or other marks. It is used to cure dermatological problems like acne, boils, carbuncles, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, increase in blood circulation and thereby the muscular decongestion is removed. It prevents sunburns and sun strokes and also found effective for insect bites and itching.

Therapeutic Applications

The lavender essential oil is found extremely beneficial in relieve nervous tension, pain; disinfect respiratory tracks, scalp and skin, respiratory tracks augment circulation of blood.

Circulation of Blood
1)Improves circulation of blood and lowers hypertension or blood pressure.

2)Improved digestion with increased mobility in digestion track. Expedites the secretion of gastric and bile juices and cures vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, indigestion, colic and flatulence.

Hair Nourisher

3)Found very effective to get rid off lice and lice eggs or nits.


4)Provides excellent immunity and safeguards from infections and other disorders.

Nervous Disorders

5)Lavender essential oil has the ability to calm down your mood. The nerve tonic is an excellent remedy for nervous tension, anxiety, emotional stress and depression and migraines and headaches.

Pain Killer

6)Well known killer and reduces pains caused by rheumatic and muscular pains, backache and lumbago, sore and tense muscle pains and sprains. Oil massage gives relief from muscle and joint pains.

Respiratory Disorders

7)There is an un-matching ability in curing ability for common cold, cough, throat congestion, sore throat, flu fever and persisting respiratory allergies. Its antiseptic ability will heal respiratory infections. It is found effective in treating asthma, bronchitis, sinus congestion, tonsillitis, whooping cough etc. Treat either with oil vapors or apply and massage around chest, back and around neck regions. You may also use inhalers.

Skin Disorders
8)The oils has proved its ability in treating antiseptic and anti fungal skin disorders It is found highly effective to inflammations disorders like acne, psoriasis and wrinkles. It cures burns, wounds and even sunburns effectively without scar marks. The oil based skin ointment has the ability to treat eczema.


9)Most popularly known as the sleep inducing essential oil and hence often prescribed for sleeplessness disorder.

Urinary Disorders

10)It is well known as the excellent diuretic oil. Prevents inflammation or cystitis in the urinary tracks. Improves urine secretion. Lavender oil has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches, migraines and insomnia.

Safety Precautions and Warning

Lavender oil is considered as an essential oil with safety. Do not use Lavender oil if you find any allergic symptoms.

Reference Sources

2)Health Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil


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