Learning How to Portion Control – The Key to Weight Loss Success

Portion control has always been a big issue for me. I come from a family with a lot of kids and if we had any hopes of getting seconds of something we had to clear our entire plate first. Many us have a ” get our money’s worth attitude” and because of that we feel bad leaving anything on our plate at restaurants that gives us enormous portions. That being said there are ways to curb these attitudes little by little, although I will tell you it is a process. It takes time to retrain your thinking and behavior.

Of course you can go out and buy those 100 calorie packs, which I have done. However, they don’t always have the snacks you want and then you are left with choices that may not keep you on the proverbial wagon. Go out and buy the re-sealable snack bags. Choose a snack you like and when you get home from the store divide the entire package of your snack into the re-sealable snack bags. Put only what amounts to an actual serving size into the re-sealable bag and then place them in your pantry like that. When you are hungry for a snack you will take one re-sealable bag of your favorite snack rather then taking out the entire large package it originally came in.

When cooking dinner for your family prepare only what is needed, don’t make extras. If you serve a balanced meal with the correct portion sizes for everyone, there will be no leftovers to go back for. This step seems daunting, but once you start doing it regularly you won’t even have room for seconds. Additionally, if you and your family sit down together, converse and eat slowly you will be less likely to desire seconds anyway. Eating slowly gives you more time to feel full from what you have just eaten. If you eat the correct portion at dinner it gives you room for a small portioned snack.

Eating Out
Dinning out at restaurants and eating fast food is probably one of the biggest issues many people have concerning weight loss. There are a few things that can help you stay under control while eating out. First things first, when you are eating at a fast food establishment, never order from the quick meal menu. If you are ordering by number chances are you are packing on unnecessary pounds. Look over the menu and choose wisely. Never get fries or a regular soft drink. Get a side salad rather than fries and a diet soda or water rather than a regular soft drink. If you want a burger, choose a regular burger. Don’t get a double cheese burger or a quarter pound burger. Chicken may seem like the natural choice, but getting breaded chicken can often be worse than choosing a burger. Select grilled chicken over breaded every time.

Always know what your recommended daily calorie intake is. Knowing this will help you make the right choices for your diet. Knowing your recommended calorie intake may also allow you the ability to have room for the occasional luxury when you have really been behaving yourself.

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