Lexapro Side Effects: My Personal Experience

Have you ever had a dream, only to watch it slip away? Has your small child ever looked you in the eyes and asked, “Mommy, why are you crying,” and you did not have an answer for him or her? And finally, have you ever had thoughts that you wanted to end your own life, or that the world would be far better off without you in it? If any of this sounds vaguely familiar, then you may be suffering from depression and should know that there is hope.

Like many of you, I have suffered from chronic depression for many years. Left untreated, I am a neurotic mess, but I have recently found one antidepressant that really works well for me, and that is Lexapro (aka Escitalopram). I have been taking Lexapro for several years now, but initially there were untoward side effects that I experienced that eventually subsided. Now, I would like to review some common Lexapro side effects with you and also talk about more serious side effects that should alert you to contact your doctor, should you encounter them.

Lexapro and Serotonin

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in your brain that is responsible for maintaining a feeling of well-being. It also helps to regulate your moods, alleviate anxiety and to keep you from feeling depressed. Low serotonin levels have been found to be associated with depression. Lexapro helps by allowing your brain to utilize serotonin more efficiently therefore relieving depression.

Common Side Effects

As with any medication, side effects are common and Lexapro side effects are no different. They should, however, go away over time.

Initially, I started my treatment by taking a 10-milligram dose. I felt the beneficial effects of the medication almost immediately, although doctors say that it takes 4-6 weeks to reap it’s full benefits. The early side effects that I experienced were insomnia, dry mouth, flushing of my face and fine shaking of my hands. To help with the feeling of having a dry mouth, I usually sucked on a hard candy, or used mouthwash which helped immensely. The difficulty sleeping part is what concerned me the most, however. Since taking medication to sleep for me, only seems to add to my depression and can counteract the effects of Lexapro, the minute I felt that I could not sleep, I advised my doctor and we cut back on the dose for a couple of days which seemed to help. If you are experiencing sleeplessness due to Lexapro, you can also try a medication called Trazadone. Trazadone is a prescription medication that was first used as an antidepressant, however was somewhat ineffective. But it did make those who took it drowsy, so it has subsequently been adopted as a sleep aid. Non-narcotic, with no potential for dependence, it is perfect for those who do not want the “hangover” effect that many prescription sleep medications can cause. And best of all, it does not increase the incidence of depression. As far as the tremors and flushing were concerned, those side effects went away after a couple of weeks and were not all that bothersome to begin with.

It was only when the doctor increased my dose from 10 milligrams to 20 milligrams that I noticed the side effects becoming far worse. Basically, I felt like crapola, to put it mildly! I experienced an uneasiness and restlessness that would simply not subside. I started to have headaches and my appetite increased dramatically. When I complained to the doctor, he told me that it would take about 10 more days for these new side effects to diminish. He advised me that 10 mg. was not a high enough dose for me and that if I would just hang in there, I would eventually feel better…..and he was right. It actually took less than 10 days for the anxiety to cease and once it did, the other symptoms were easier to deal with. What did I do in the mean time? I tried to turn my restless energy into something positive. I took daily walks and tried to meditate. I wrote in my journal about how I was feeling. I practiced deep breathing exercises to replenish my body with oxygen. When the 10 days were up, I reported back to the doctor who was pleased with my progress.

Although personally, I did not experience any gastro-intestinal problems, they are common and easily remedied. Nausea may occur which can be overcome by eating something before you take your medication or taking an over-the-counter nausea medication, like Phenergan. Indigestion can be relieved by chewing antacid tablets such as Tums. You can battle short-term diarrhea with Pepto Bismal or other anti-diarrhea medication. As always, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking anything over-the-counter.

Blurred vision, frequent urination, fever, a change of taste in your mouth, weight gain or weight loss and drowsiness have also been reported and should not be a cause of concern unless the symptoms persist.

In addition, many individuals, especially men, report that Lexapro causes decreased libido or a change in sexual function. Both women and men may experience difficulty reaching orgasm. While it is true that these problems can occur, as with any other side effect, they usually go away over time. The bottom line is sometimes you have to make a choice, do you want to feel better or do you want to have an orgasm? Ultimately, this will be your decision.

Serious Side Effects

Serious side effects can occur due to taking Lexapro and should be reported to your doctor. They are as follows: Vomiting, hives, itching, severe rash, dizziness, feeling overly-excited, talking rapidly, confusion, agitation and restlessness. Although some of these may be aggravating, it is up to your doctor to decide if she wants you to discontinue taking Lexapro. While it is important to keep your doctor informed about Lexapro side effects, if you are not sure about the severity of them be safe and report them anyways. In addition, do not stop taking the medication without the knowledge of your doctor.

Happy Ending

There are those who suffer from depression and refuse to take medication for fear that they will be perceived as bad or defective. They may associate it with sense of failure. But think about this for a moment! If you had cancer and the doctor prescribed you medication that would save your life, you would take it, right? Taking an antidepressant when you are depressed is no different.

Many people who are depressed don’t get a happy ending. Whether they choose to stay in a fixed state of unhappiness or they end their own life, hope only exists if you strive for it. I did, and it changed my life.




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