Libertarian Party: For Individual Liberty

Although the United States is considered a two-party political system, there are approximately fifty-three national parties. Of these, the three most notable were achieved because he was electorally involved with the candidate at all levels of politics, national, state, county and local. These three major third parties are the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, and the Constitution Party. The eldest of these three became the Libertarian Party on December 11, 1971 in Colorado. Another two were founded in the 1990s.

According to the Libertarian Party, they are the third largest political party in the United States and serve as an alternative to the two major political parties. (Democratic Party and Republican Party). Like the two major political parties, this third party has its national headquarters in Washington, D.C. has and is regarded as a legitimate political party. There are states that admit Libertarian Party candidates and list their ballots for national, state, county and local elections. According to the Wikipedia page, there are thirty states that allow Americans to register as the oldest libertarians.

The current symbol (mascot) of the Libertarian Party is “Lady Liberty”, a round star with “Lady Liberty” (the Statue of Liberty from the waist up) white and blue. The original slogan of this party was “There is no such thing as a Free Lunch”. This slogan does not mean that the Libertarian Party was started by uneducated people because of bad grammar; the exact opposite is true, because he had some learned, high-ranking men within his membership in his formative age. The current slogan of the Libertarian Party is “Fate of Principle.” These two slogans expertly make it clear what the platform of the Libertarian Party is, which can also be described as the freedom of all for each individual.

The Libertarian Party has historically had closer ties with the primarily conservative-leaning Republican Party, which has consistently supported the Bill of Rights (amendments 1 through 10 of the Constitutions United States). This does not mean from his conception that the Libertarian Party is in complete agreement with the Republican Party or that it stands squarely against the Democratic Party on various important issues, such as abortion, salvation, salvation The Libertarian Party, from its inception, has been dedicated to the free market economy, civil liberties, personal freedom, . . Reading the platform of this party was an eye opener, because I was under a different impression of this particular third party. I am amazed that the Libertarian Party has gone to great lengths to give Americans a modestly conservative choice, despite the roadblocks put in place by the many states, now 20, that do not allow third-party elections on their ballots.

In 1978, the Libertarian Party had a candidate running for governor in California who received 5% of the vote. The Libertarian Party in 1979 had eight hundred registered voters in the state of California. In 1980 a large year for this young party with two Libertarian candidates ran for the Alaskan state legislature (one was re-elected ). The rest of the 20th century blessed the Libertarian Party with a Libertarian congressional candidate in Louisiana receiving 23% of the vote, a Libertarian gubernatorial candidate in Alaska receiving 15% of the vote, and a Libertarian gubernatorial candidate in Arizona receiving 5% of the vote. presidential candidates received more votes than even a major party expected in a national election, and in some states including Colorado this party to win any state, county, and local elections for elected officials such as Elections Commissioner, City Council members, School Board members, and so on. 1996 was one of the terms for the Libertarian Party, when the Libertarian Party was the first and only one-third to take state ballots in all 50 states for two consecutive national presidential elections.

The Libertarian Party as of 2000 had 224,000 registered Libertarian voters. This was an increase of 10% within one year. In 2004 the Libertarian voter turnout increased the bar by 4.5% from 2003. This is not a small third party to be a third party. Now the Libertarian Party, according to Wikipedia, has over 225,000 registered Libertarian voters. This political party is only 39 years old and for him to have this association. a wonderful and admirable greatness.

The increase in Libertarian membership is something that should concern the two main political parties (Democratic and Republican Party), because members and registered voters from the political parties, making it harder for the two major parties to win over each other. type of choice. As more Libertarian Party-leaning candidates are elected to the state and federal legislative branches, it will also mean an increase in difficulty for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to get their legislative agendas passed. This could also mean the Libertarian Party, “suffrage” for the legislative branches (state and federal) in some of the most important constitutions and laws. Granted that is actually in the future, but a distinct possibility.

This famous quote Henry Patrick, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, summarizes the understanding of where the Libertarian Party stands moderately and conservatively . This is as true today as when Patrick Henry said, “When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America is different: liberty, sir, was its primary object.”

Bill of Rights, United States government archives website: charters / bill_of_rights_transcript.html
History of the Libertarian Party, Libertarian Party website:
Libertarian Party platform, Libertarian Party website:
Libertarian Party, Wikipedia website:
Third Parties in the US, Wikipedia Website: United States of America.
Patrick Henry quote, Liberty Quotes, BrainyQuote website:

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