Life in the 50’s…. Were We Better Off?

Do you remember the time of Hula Hoops, Poddle Wings and Elvis Presley?

I have heard people say that the world was better in the 1950s and we would be better off if America was still like that.
It certainly seems the way to those who don’t live in the 50s. We hear how simple and innocent life was then. It was like that. In 1951 there were 100 local telephone centers, but there was also only an old slow dial telephone, there was no such thing as a cell phone< /a> that many people think they cannot live without now.

In February 1955, the first IBM 752 computer was released and it was IBM’s first business computer. Although it was nothing like the smile we have now. There is no information whatsoever.

On December 11, American Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, and it resulted in a city-wide boycott of the bus company and sparked civil rights movements across the nation. .

In the 1950s, racism was deeply institutionalized. 50% of black-families lived below the poverty line; immigrant workers suffered appalling work and living conditions; people of color were not allowed to participate in the American dream. This is 2005 and thankfully racism has been completely overlooked in that regard. A black person has the right to do what they want in life and live American

The US federal minimum wage was $1. It is not surprising that not much has changed and it should have. The minimum wage now in 2005 is only $5.15 an hour. It looks like it’s not far from the 50s in that one.

From 1950 to 1959, 257,455 cases of polio were reported, mostly in children; 11,957, died. Thank God in 2005 thanks to polio vaccines no longer threatens the lives of our children.

Wife beating should not really be considered a crime. Many emotionally explained that the battered wives were masochists who provoked their husbands to beatings. A man abducting his wife was not a crime at all, but a sign that the woman had failed to fulfill her conjugal obligation. Do you think you can beat and kidnap someone with his wife because you are your husband?

The male/female workforce ratio was 5/2; The average annual salary was $2,992. Women who don’t live life as expected take care of husband, kids and home. that she wanted to get a career or a better education, she was considered to be less of a true woman.

There were plans to bomb shelters as the government’s booklet “You Can Survive” was created. I guess the other thing is that even though we’re going into the millennium, remember that everyone panicked after 911 and went to buy duct tape. and trigger masks?

Gasoline was less than 10 cents a gallon. We don’t want to be close!

In the 50s Elvis Presley came on the scene and changed music forever. The girls loved him, the boys wanted to be like him, and the elders hated him, saying that he was a terrible force for young men. Little did they know in 2005 that Elvis was still well known even after his death and that he would be The “, and a good man is supposed to be admired in adolescence. After all, he was a very generous man, a useful and caring man, he was abused by doctors and people who were supposed to help him and took them for money.

Now we have people like Michael Jackson, Eminem and Marilyn Manson. What do you think will happen to Elvis now?

It was safe to send six old to the grocery store to send a cake. bread At the quarter, he was able to get bread and on the way back he got a candy bar.

There was no air conditioning, so you left the windows and doors open. And you were not afraid. You knew every person in the community and your children. When a neighbor needed help, the neighborhood was there to lend a helping hand.

You had teachers who really cared and parents who thanked those teachers. If you learned paddling at school, you knew you’d have to do another one when you got home. And you could go to school and not worry about someone having a gun.

and the only medication he cared about in the morning was the “drug” out of bed.

You could go down to the theater and enjoy an Elvis Presley movie, a coke and popcorn, all for 25 cents.

You enjoy fresh veggies from the garden, and the chickens are free in the yard.

You were taught patriotism and Christian values ​​at school. You had a prayer, in the banner of fidelity and the teacher recited from the Bible!

The kids played hopscotch, jump-rope, baseball, hit the ball, hula-hoop, read books and hung outside the premises. beer shops Now the kids watch TV, play video games, talk on the internet (reach someone pretending to be there). To school and worry about drugs, violence and not trusting teachers.

So as you can see life in the 1950’s they did some simple things that made life better, but in 2005 although we have a lot of care we have made a few things better.

Now a black child can go to school with a white child and be treated the same and get the same education. We are no longer worried about Polio. But if a man abuses his wife, he will be punished for the love of intimacy by accepting it and turning it into a place where the woman is afraid of him.

Many things are different from the 1950s, some for good, some for bad, but do we really want to go back to the 50s? Do you want to give Cells, Computers and conditions? But do you want to give away the greatest freedoms we’ve come up with or the medical advances that have been made?

We can take life back to the 50s somewhat if we want to. Have dinner with all of you there. Monitor the kids to watch TV, have a Family Game night, take away the gaming station and computers instead teach the kids the basics of hopscotch and jump rope . Save money and lift the garden. Buy a few chickens to get your eggs and chicken and have dinner with the same chicken later. Children are made or ligual in children. I just want to share time.

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