Lip Enhancement Surgery – Knowing the Side Effects

Let’s face it, full lips are in. Many of us would love to have plump lips like Jessica Simpson. Before you decide that you want a lip enhancement, there are many things that you should be sure to consider. One of the most important things that you should learn about is the potential side effects, which will be discussed through this article.

Side Effects of Lip Enhancement Surgery – Allergic Reactions

The most common side effects of lip enhancement surgery are those which are related to allergic reactions. Many patients who decide to have a lip enhancement find that their lips because itchy, red or swollen. Allergic reactions due to a lip enhancement surgery can last anywhere between one day and a month, depending on the severity of the reaction. Since anesthesia is used during the lip enhancement surgical process, if you know that you have an allergy to anesthesia, the best thing that you can do is avoid getting a lip enhancement.

Side Effects of Lip Enhancement Surgery – Undesired Results

Probably one of the most disappointing side effects of lip enhancement surgery is undesired results. There are many people who find that the results that they get from their lip enhancement are really not what they were looking for. It is common for the lip implants to shift in movement, so that the lips look uneven with one another. Keep in mind that it is also possible for the surgeon who does your lip enhancement to promise you one result, but ultimately provide you with another that you are unhappy with.

Side Effects of Lip Enhancement Surgery – Slow Healing

If you have a certain type of health condition that you do not tell the surgeon about before getting your lip enhancement, it is possible for you to face a slower healing process. Some of the types of conditions which may cause slower healing during a lip enhancement surgery include lupus, diabetes, blood clotting problems and other skin conditions. If you are prone to getting cold sores, you may also find that your lips take a longer time to heal after lip enhancement surgery. The best thing that you can do is be perfectly honest with your doctor about your medical history.

Side Effects of Lip Enhancement Surgery – Scarring

There are several methods used when it comes to lip enhancement surgery. When you decide to go for a lip enhancement surgery, you are automatically putting yourself at risk for permanent scarring. However, when you decide to opt for fat injections as the method of lip enhancement, you will be more likely to experience scarring than if you were to opt for collagen injections. At the same time, fat injections provide the longest lip enhancement results of these two choices, so it is likely that you may choose this method.

These are just some of the different side effects that can have an affect on you when the decision to have lip enhancement surgery is made. It is important to talk with your surgeon. A surgeon that tells you no potential side effects exist is lying. Be honest and open with your medical history, especially about any skin conditions or allergies. Most importantly, however, you will want to make sure that lip enhancement is the right option for you. To learn whether or not a lip enhancement is right for you, please refer to this article.

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