Liquid Life: The Liquid Vitamin

Do you dread taking a large pill (we call them “horse pills” in our household) for your vitamins? Liquid Life is the cure-all answer to those of you who cannot down a horse pill, even if it is for your daily health.

Health doctors suggest daily vitamins to all ages however highly suggest those over the age of thirty to take one daily. Normally I am a health conscience person at heart however as my last birthday approached I believe my worries ignited into overdrive. It was at that point that I decided what my New Years Eve Resolution would be- “to become healthier. My friends and family members believe I am having some strange pre-“mid-life crisis” under the age of thirty. To me, I have read so many medical journals that I understand the human body (if not kept up at a young age properly) will start a downfall process if not taken care of such as taking multivitamins daily.

So my health “trip” took me to the health and beauty shelves at Sam’s Club. Usually my instincts are to only look in this section at health foods stores such as “Whole Foods. Fortunately I came across a large bottle called “Liquid Life”. Basically this is a liquid vitamin for those of us whom tend to have problems swallowing whole pills.

For just under $20.00 you can purchase a thirty day supply of daily multivitamins. Unlike other natural vitamins, Liquid Life only needs to be taken once daily. Some other healthy vitamins require two-four daily doses unlike this highly concentrated vitamin liquid.

As per my usual skeptic self, I was worried how well this liquid vitamin was compared to the traditional solid pill. Fortunately I was really surprised with the flavor and also the work it did on my body.

When I opened the new bottle for the first time I was surprised that there was not a chemical smell as I would expect from a liquid medicine. Liquid Life has changed ten-folds since the last time I have had to take liquid medicine which dates all the way back to when I was a child.

To take your daily dosages simply remove the lid from the bottle and fill up to the indented line inside it. Due to the pomegranate and mangosteen, the daily dosage has similar tastes to juice; it is just slightly thicker than home juiced orange juice (minus the pulp). It is hard to believe that it contains “all natural source of nutrition with 144 healthful nutrients” states the bottle. Just to mention a few things that this amazing liquid vitamin contains are: “75 full strength plant derived minerals, 12 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, CoQ10, Omega 3,6,9, Mangosteen, Pomegranate, NONI, Goji, Acai, Lycopene, Elderberry & more.

As for the effectiveness of the liquid compared to solid multivitamins again I was surprised. Not only does Liquid Life contain more vitamins than most others on the market but it also starts working in less the time. There is nothing less annoying to purchase a pricey vitamin and not feel different after taking them. Shortly after two weeks of starting with Liquid Life I noticed I had more energy and just generally felt in high spirits.

The price is much less than other brands and can actually be felt after being taken for two weeks or more. For me, I would freely suggest Liquid Life to anyone that has issues swallowing hard pills. It is so easy to take and only needs to be taken once daily!

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