Little Known Facts About Garth Brooks

Garth Brooks made a name for himself as one of the most popular country music singers of all time. He also made a name for himself as a bad boy. His lyrics were cut, videos were banned, and Garth Brooks even turned down a Grammy Award. Still there are several little known facts about this country music legend.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #1: Born February 7, 1962

Garth Brooks was born in Tulsa Oklahoma on February 7, 1962. To this day, he still lives in Oklahoma and has always been affected by events that have taken place there. His song “The Change” was a tribute to the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #2: Birth Name is Troyal Garth Brooks

It’s easy to see why Garth Brooks dropped Troyal from his name. But, he was also known under another name in the late 1990s. For a short time, he was known as Chris Gaines. This was not a publicity stunt. Garth Brooks was actually making a movie about the character Chris Gaines, but it never got published.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #3: Graduated in 1984 from Oklahoma State University

In 1984, Garth Brooks graduated from Oklahoma State University. During his time at Oklahoma State University he met his college sweetheart, and future wife, Sandy Mahl. Another fun fact is he went to college on a javelin throwing scholarship.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #4: Has a Degree in Advertising

It may seem like a strange fact, but the fact is Garth Brooks obtained a degree in advertising during his time at Oklahoma State University. This degree has probably come in useful over the years since his concerts have normally sold out.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #5: Admits to Cheating on His Previous Wife

During an interview with Barbara Walters, Garth Brooks admitted to the fact that he had cheated on his wife, Sandy Mahl, repeatedly. This fact had previously been mentioned in magazine interviews, but it was still a shock to his fans.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #6: Divorced Sandy Mahl in December of 2001

In December of 2001, Garth Brooks finally divorced his wife of 14 years. Many fans knew this was coming. Many fans also wondered if the rumors in the tabloid magazines were really true. Was Garth Brooks really dating Trisha Yearwood?

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #7: Married Trisha Yearwood in December of 2005

In December of 2005, the facts about his relationship with Trisha Yearwood were revealed. During a concert, he proposed to Trisha. Trisha had toured with Garth Brooks many times, but the couple claims nothing went on while they were married to other people.

Little Known Facts about Garth Brooks #8: Released “The Lost Sessions” Exclusively Through Walmart

After splitting with Capital Records, Garth Brooks decided to release his CDs exclusively through Walmart. This decision seems to fit his approach to music very well. Garth Brooks never overcharged fans for concert tickets (his tickets were only $18), so why should he overcharge his fans for CDs? When he released his DVD set, they were sold for under $20.


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