LOST: Sawyer’s Story

One of the deepest and most complex characters in The Lost World, Josh Holloway’s character, Sawyer’s story.

When James Ford was a small boy, a man named Sawyer, an artisan craftsman, tricked his mother into giving him all of her family’s savings. Then James witnessed the murder of his father and mother, and pulled a gun on himself, while he was only a few fingers away, under the bed. So young James writes a letter:

“Dear Mr. Sawyer, you don’t know who I am, but I know who you are and I know what you’ve done. You slept with my mother and then you stole all my father’s money. So he got angry and killed me. My mother and he killed himself. I know your name all. Parents you killed mine, Mr. Sawyer.”

He then dedicates his life to finding the author of his life’s destruction and his incredible emotional reactions.
During Sawyer’s hunt, it happens. Evolving into the very man so desperately hunted. After waking up next to a beautiful woman, he quickly gets up, noticing that he is late for his meeting. After he grabs his case brief, it opens to reveal a ton of cash. After telling her he wasn’t supposed to see her, he then gets her to commit to it and use her husband’s money to “help” Sawyer make a big investment.
After letting the man stay overnight to keep the money, they finally agree to invest. Sawyer comes to his house to make a final deal, and is about to leave when he sees a small boy, his son. Immediately asserting that the deal was off. He can’t go with the real Sawyer against him for so many years before the exact conjecture.

After some time, he experiences the same thing, this time waking up next to another beautiful woman named Cassidy. However, he immediately recognizes him and, rather than escape from his life, asks him to come to him. They continue to do a few small cons together, one of which is getting cheap gas prices and putting huge price tags on them. “It’s not about the necklace,” Sawyer insisted, “It’s about the price.”

After a while, Cassidy asks Sawyer if he can get into the “big stuff” like a big con. Sawyer explains to him that it’s a long con when he stays with someone for a long time, executing an idea and making you think it’s their idea. When he says he wants something like that, Sawyer says he can’t do it without money. That’s when Cassidy reveals that he actually has six hundred grand saved up that he won’t tell about it. Little does he know that he knew all along and was long con. After Sawyer tells Gordy that he spent all six hundred grand at the restaurant, it’s clear that he’s fallen for the party girl. Sawyer then tells him that he can’t do it, but Gordy threatens to kill him and Cassidy as well if he doesn’t.

When Sawyer returns to Cassidy’s house, he packs all his money into a duffle bag, tells her everything and gets out of there as soon as he can. After walking outside, he counts five Mississippis and then walks inside to grab another plastic bag, holding real money.

In the next flashback, Sawyer is in prison. When the guy gets beat up pretty bad in the boxing ring, he meets a new prisoner named Munson. It seems that the government has stolen ten million dollars, Munson, though, is now getting a new one. you are receiving special treatment. Sawyer arrives and advises Munson that the only reason the guard will do is to get a shot at some cash reward once Munson is released. Sawyer finally gains his trust and asks him to move the money for him one more time.

In the midst of all this, Cassidy comes to visit him. After Sawyer corrects her about his name, “It’s James Ford,” she tells him that she has a daughter named Clementine. He says, professing “not to have bought a daughter,” and stormy.

The next scene shows Sawyer being summoned to the guard’s office. When he told him the money was placed in a red bronco, he was released. When asked what he should do with a small portion of the money, he asks them to set up an account in Philip’s Clementine name and to do it where Cassidy can’t see where it is from.

After an awkward encounter at a hotel involving Sawyer’s other beautiful women, a man named Hibbs, who Sawyer told him to kill, claims to have found Sawyer’s original master from childhood.

Hearing that he was in Australia, Ford got there as soon as possible (so his 815 was on the flight back to the US). After getting the gun, he goes to the place where Hibbs told him that Sawyer is a small shrimp truck. After having a family conversation, he found himself pulling out a gun and walking away without a word.

Then at last the shutters were taken, and the blow intervened. It turns out that Jack’s father, Dr. Christian Shephard should be in the same bar. He convinces him that he can’t do anything about fate, with the same reasoning that “The Red Sox will never win the World Series” . Shephard then tells him that if his “business” will relieve his pain, then he should go out and do it.

The next scene we see Sawyer back at the shrimp truck in the rain. As the man takes the toys, he cries “saywer” and shoots in in cold blood. The man mutters, “Tell Hibbs I gave him away,” and Sawyer knows he shot the wrong man.

Sawyer then ends up at a Sydney police station, having apparently head-butted a man of high social status. After his innocence, they say they have witnesses who say otherwise. Copa then punches the plane ticket on the desk and tells him to never return to Australia, which leads him to the 815 Oceania flight.

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