‘Lost’ Season 6 Finale: The Final Episode

The wait is over. On Sunday, the final episode of Lost aired. The beginning of Lost started off kind of slow, but soon after the excitement began. They continued to show all of the Oceanic passengers crossing paths in the alternate life, the life which shows how the passenger’s lives would have turned out if there were no plane crash.

About 1 hour into the show I was wondering how Jack would kill John Locke. Jack comes head to head with John Locke, who I refer to as Black Smoke and tells him “I’m going to kill you”. This was awesome! I knew that Jack’s plan to use Desmond to defeat John Locke would be successful. Although I was not satisfied with the way Black Smoke died. I was looking for more of an epic type battle to go on between good and evil.

Lost Season 6 didn’t answer every question but they did an overall good job. I was glad to see that Rose and Bernard were included in the season finale.

Halfway through the show I got the idea that the passengers of Oceanic flight 815 were in a state of amnesia and that they couldn’t remember anything. I like the way each of the characters were being awakened one by one. The best moment of awakening was shared by Sawyer and Juliet. This was truly a heartwarming moment.

At first, I was wondering how the alternate life would tie into the life with them being on the island and now I know. This was a stroke of genius for the writers to think of such a concept for the show.

Lost touched on some key points of spirituality and different belief systems. This was obvious at the end when Jack is in the Church that has a stained glass window which shows the different belief systems such as Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoist, and Judaism.

And I believe that all of these belief systems were used on the Season 6 Lost Finale. Lost touched on the concept of good and evil alluding to God and Satan in Christianity. Then there was the fact that the passengers of Oceanic flight 815 all seem to experience reincarnation as well. This happened once Juliet fell down the well and blew up it up. They all got to live life over again. When their plane didn’t crash the second time they got to live an alternate life.

All of the characters who were in the church in the end made it to Heaven. The ones that didn’t, I believe are still left on the island. So the island is a type of purgatory.

Overall, I was very satisfied with how the writers of Lost decided to end the show. The Season 6 Finale of Lost was very thought provoking. I believe some people will go away with more questions and the rest of the people will form their own interpretation of what the Lost was about.


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