Mardi Gras Costume Ideas for Girls and Flashers

Although the majority of the state of Louisiana goes through the motions of Mardi Gras with relatively little flashing, if people intend to head down to the major party in New Orleans and hope to generate a buzz, they are going to have to go armed with a little more than just their good looks. Indeed, with hundreds of thousands pouring in from all over the country to play a part in the biggest party in the nation, some costume ideas may be the best bet to make sure you’re both seen and remembered.

1. The Basic Jester Outfit

The entire theme of Festival and Mardi Gras is immortalized with the Jester. The playful, multi-colored “fool” is an excellent way to both get into the Mardi Gras spirit, and insure many eyes are turned on you. The easiest stop for this outfit is The Mardi Gras Costumes Website, which features a variety of apparels, including the much renown jester.

2. The 18th Century Lady

New Orleans and Louisiana have a long history of nobility, aristocracy, and ball room decor, partially fabled in the Anne Rice novels. Much like Mrs. Lovett opposite of Sweeney Todd, a typical 18th century dress, with a low cut allows for both easy flashing and a genuine Mardi Gras experience. When topped with a French-style masquerade mask, in addition to going with the theme, it also insures anonymity in the activity. The basics of these outfits can be found at your local Wal-Mart, but can also be seen at the aforementioned Mardi Gras website, and in Hot Topic at the local mall.

The pieces can also be found in costume shops, especially around Louisiana itself.

3. Typical Clothing

Many people find the thrill of appearing in typical clothing as a Mardi Gras flasher girl to be among the greatest rushes of all. Armed with only what will keep you warm, but is easily removable, many a Mardi Gras girl have made their fifteen minutes of fame armed with little more than a fifteen to thirty dollar set of clothes.

4. Masks

Regardless of what one wears to Mardi Gras, the addition of a simple mask can add the fun and pleasure for both the intended flasher girl and the audience – playing on the masquerade balls that were prevalent in Louisiana and France hundreds of years ago. A simple white ball mask with a purple plume usually suffices, and can be found with relative ease for a decent quality from Costume Universe.

5. Jeans and a Corset

Another popular outfit to wear to Mardi Gras is a simple corset with jeans and footwear – although if you’re shy about the cold (and if you are, being a Mardi Gras flasher may not be the role for you), then this may not be the best costume for you. In addition to effectively declaring yourself as a Mardi Gras flasher, it offers both easy access and is sure to draw the gaze and attention of bead throwers early into the party.

6. Pirate Regalia

As odd as it may sound, I have seen my fair share of Mardi Gras parties where more than a few men and women were dressed as pirates. Louisiana has a long and sordid history with buccaneers, so much so that Lake Charles even has an event known as Contraband Days to commemorate the time that their city was sacked by pirates. Although coming overdressed in this outfit is always advised against, armed with just enough gear to get by to show one’s true “pirate intentions” may be what helps set you apart from other Mardi Gras girls.

7. A Girls Gone Wild T-Shirt

If you just want easy attention – why not wear a simple Girls Gone Wild T-Shirt? After all, they’re sure to be there shooting anyway, and they’re relatively cheap and easy to get one’s hands on.

8. Appearing Almost Entirely in a Costume Made Out of Beads

Although a little difficult to make, I’ve seen it done where enough beads were compiled that the flasher girl simply made an entire outfit out of her beads. With the small plastic “gold” as some men call it available at any retail store or Wal-Mart, it should be no problem simply lacing these to whatever clothes you want to wear (or how little it is). In addition, if you can add hooks to the outfit (this is not advised if you are going into heavily populated areas for fear of them catching onto a passerby) one can always add to the show by literally placing thrown beads onto another part of your costume.

9. A Gothic “Countess”

As advertised by Costume Super Center, if one is less interested in the more lavish colors but are attracted to the darker nature of Louisiana lore, one can always appear in what is more of a “Gothic” countess outfit. Taking on traditional 18th century noblewoman dress, the colors however are a dark gray and black, which can also be used for the more “Vampiric” after parties that are available throughout the city of New Orleans. In this case, likewise, many of the costumes are very easily opened for the Mardi Gras Flashers.

10. A Holy Figure

Mardi Gras is the time that typical conventions are turned completely on their heads – therefore the idea of someone appearing as a scantily clad variant of what’s normally scene as a holy figure is something that appeals to many people. Female forms of nuns and priests, for example, are not unheard of, and are likewise sure to generate attention. Likewise, many of the outfits for these are easily acquired at your local malls, Hot Topics, or Wal-Marts.

As always however, the author urges that whoever intends to go down to New Orleans to enjoy this unique and exciting holiday keep all typical safety measures in mind – including being weary of your company, having a designated driver (often a hard thing to find on that night), and always making sure you’re around familiar and friendly faces. Mardi Gras is an often unique experience that should be enjoyed – and a security incident should never ruin that fun for anyone.

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