Maternal Instincts: Are They Real?

Maternal instincts are they just a myth or are they real. How can you tell when you are right or just want to be right. We claim that we know best for our children but do we really. There many examples of maternal instincts to prove, at least to me that they are real.

Although there is no scientific test to prove maternal instincts exist, there are examples of it all around us. We can claim they are maternal instinct or not believers can say it is just human nature. Not all women have maternal instincts but many do. They anatomically know when their child is in danger. May those with this ability are just more in touch with their emotions or there is such a thing as maternal instincts.

Animals have what we call animal instincts, babies are born and seem to know exactly what to do. They no how to hunt and they can defend themselves. A mother bear has the instinct to know when her cub is in trouble and defends it with her life. People have that same ability, although it seems to be stronger in mothers. They say that it is safer for a mother to sleep in bed with her child than the father. The mother instinctively knows where that child is and won’t roll on it.

There are stories of mother’s instinctively knowing what to do to protect their children from tornado’s or other catastrophic events. Putting their lives in jeopardy for their children. These women when asked say it was just their maternal instincts kicking in.We also have evidence to prove that the moment a woman has a baby there is that natural instinct to raise the child to their breast and the child to natural look for the breast. I recently had my own experience with maternal instincts.

My 16 month old daughter had been rather sick and even though her symptoms went away something was not right. She was lethargic and just not acting like herself. I took her back to the Pediatrician who assured me that it was just from being sick and she would soon return to normal. It had been two weeks later and she had gotten a little better and then quickly became sick once again. Running a fever and just not happy. She was irritable and would hold her head in a way that seemed like she was in pain.

I rushed her back to the Pediatrician who told me she just had a stomach bug and that she would get over it. I was so mad leaving that office because I knew that there was something wrong with her and it was not a stomach bug. I guess I was intimidated by the Doctor after all he had a degree therefore he must know better than me. I was mad at the doctor, but also mad at myself for not demanding he look closer at her.

So I made a new appointment with a pediatrician that I knew would take me serious even though I had to wait three days to see him I knew he would get to the bottom of her illness. When I went to see him he said I was right. She had had an ear infection and but that was not the root cause to her behavior. He ran test and discovered that my daughter had severe allergies. I knew that she was allergic to milk and eggs, but the blood test that he ran came back that she had a high level of allergies most likely to an environmental allergen. This was causing congestion that lead to the ear infection.

The pediatrician which I absolutely love, said that my maternal instincts were right on and that when you get that gut feeling you should follow it. Even if you have to see several doctors until the problem is solved.

It is left to you to decide if maternal instincts really exist or if these cases are merely circumstance. Looking at nature and the instinct for a woman to want a child may weigh into your decision or may not. Ultimately you decide for yourself.

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