Matters of the Heart by Danielle Steel

Matters of the Heart by Danielle Steel is the newest novel that has come out. Matters of the Heart by Danielle Steel was published in June of 2009 by Delacorte Press. Matters of the Heart tells the story of Hope Dunne and her adventures as one of the most popular and top photographers in the country. This novel also tell the story of a woman who is fighting for her life when a maniac fixates on her. This is one amazing and powerful story about a woman who overcomes what may be her hardest trial yet.

Hope Dunne is on the most popular and top photographers in the world. She has been married, blessed with children, and also has also known that with family comes loss that can be so tragic at times. Hope is happy with the way her life has gone and she finds comfort and peace in what she does with her camera. She is not on the lookout for a man to come into her life and sweep her off her feet. In all stories, when a woman or a man is not expecting a person to come into their lives, it often does. And this book is no exception. She is offered an assignment in London which she takes, even though it was last minute. Her assignment is to take photographs of one of the most popular authors in the world. This author is well known for his works that deal in the thrill and the dark world.

Hope is not sure what she will find when she arrives but it is not the man that she meets. She thought she would find a man who would be freaky and dark like his books, but instead she finds the author, Finn O’Neill, is a warm, caring, and he has a charm about him that surprises her. This man is very good at what he does and is very successful. Finn is as different as Hope is. Hope, who is a gentle and quiet person, is not at all like what Finn thought she was. He is so fascinated by her and begins to woo her for her affections. The way that he goes about it charms Hope more and he ends up taking her to his home that is very isolated.

Hope is charmed and finds him and his home tempting and unable to resist it all. Finn is a man of many talents and is well known throughout the world. Hope, who is at first enthralled by his stories, soon finds flaws in them and the fact that at times, what he tells her is not at all what she is has come to believe. She is also thrown by the way he reacts to her with jealous fits. Hope is quickly becoming distrustful, doubtful, and wary of what to believe. She also becomes scared of him, especially when she sees sides of him that she had never seen before. She does not know what to do since she is so far from her home. She begins to question herself and everything around her as her fears mount. As time goes on, she becomes more ensnared in his lair and she has no idea what she has to do to get away from him.

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