Microcephaly: Rare Children’s Disease Causes Small Head

When he was born my son appeared so small, but at six pounds and nine ounces, he seemed healthy. That is, until I quickly find out with the doctor that I have no soft spot, but the head is a little less than half-born. The attending physician quickly arranged for my son to be sent to Leo Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, where he could be evaluated as to whether the problem with the skull would be to keep the brain growing or to develop a problem with the brain bringing the skull back to normal proportions.

After many tests it was determined that my son had a condition called microcephaly. The condition is known from the smallness of the head at birth. With the condition, the brain does not develop properly or stops growing completely at some point in the womb. The most common cause of the condition are genetic abnormalities that interfere with the development of the cerebral cortex, I was told.

Often associated with Down syndrome, chromosomal syndrome or neurometabolic syndrome, the condition can be caused by rubella, chicken pox, toxic chemicals. and drug or alcohol abuse. Although the actual cause of abnormal head growth in my children was never absolutely determined, the results were the same as those of microcephalic children: mental retardation.

Other conditions associated with microcephaly are speech and motor problems, facial deformities, dwarfism, hyperactivity, seizures, coordination and balance problems . and other neurological problems. My son is 5′ tall, 27 years old head only 15″ in circumference, he has frequent seizures, but no facial abnormalities, he can do many things as if he is really 27 years, but after a few minutes turn around and act like it’s 4

On the one hand, my son can mow the lawn with riding-lawn-mowers, make a lot of small meals like sandwiches Remembering your daily health care routines. On the other hand, he could never learn to read, but he speaks a few words, very clearly and very repetitively, and is as stubborn as a mule if he does not like something he has said, but very much. loving and caring individuals.

No microcephaly treatment will help any microcephalic baby’s head grow back to normal size. Instead, treatments are used to improve neurological patterns and learning problems. Early childhood intervention supports programs that feature intensive speech therapy as well as physical therapy. Medications are almost always required for some type of microcephaly, either for seizures, hyperactivity, neuromuscular problems, or a combination of these.

Some children with microcephaly go on to have only mild mental retardation. Others are seriously retarded. My son falls somewhere between these fences. At some point, the microcephalic child will develop normal levels of intelligence and be able to keep up mentally and physically with his other kids. age But these children often have deformities of the mouth and skull that can lend themselves to play and other cruelties from children, and sometimes anger results with microcephalic child.

Parents should seek counsel not only for their child, but also for themselves. Mothers in particular tend to feel that they have done something wrong during pregnancy or to feel angry about the situation. Fathers sometimes criticize moms

If you have a loved one who was born with microcephaly, there are centers in your area that can help. Work with your child on the skills they lack the most and you’ll be surprised how much they can learn. Don’t despair and stress that your child is going to die at any age, never learn to take care of themselves or otherwise be a burden. Generally, children with microcephaly can learn various skills and self-help techniques that allow them to do a lot for themselves.

In our case, my son started participating in the two-year intervention program – which I believe helps him to help others, take care of his personal health and goals. He runs every year in the Special Olympics Marathon and has many 1st and 2nd place ribbons. During one of the race he stopped halfway around the track and finished catching up with the others before him. race! He hated to leave his friends.

My son can use tools and operate a rechargeable rotary or drill, ride or push mower, go cart, shave (electric razor only), tie your shoes, tell the time, count the money (some limitations), use the microwave (pre-set ticket only), do the laundry from start to finish without help, remember not to hear anything day in and day out. it is given, remember the birthday of that sibling, find your way around town and back, and go into a small room to buy one or two things for yourself.

In addition, my son has a superstition that tends to know things that he has no way of knowing. For example, when he had heard of a wreck on the road by us, he would talk as if he had seen the whole thing. He named the colors of the vehicles and said that one was a wagon. A newspaper article later revealed that it was true. He’s famous for saying things like “You’d better get a flat tire” the day before you’re flat or “I like that new Willie Nelson CD” just before a Willie Nelson CD commercial came on tv. I’ve seen him do this for so many years that it’s becoming an old rumor now, but it’s a little surreal with a special ” and says “There is a ghost” or teaches us that our dearest dog goes to sleep next to his bed at night!

If you are a parent of a child with microcephaly, you will laugh, cry, curse, but never despair. They will surprise you every day and love you more than anyone else could.


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