Mighty Fixit Review

Strong Fixit is an awesome new as seen on TV product that really caught my attention. The first is exactly the kind of junk that I like to see on late night television, and the second is that I can actually use it. It seems like the stuff on TV really goes straight to the heart of the little problems we all seem to face, but we never have the right solution.

I think that’s what’s so appealing about those infomercials, everyone loves to hate them. The strong FixIt seems to be nothing more than a glorified duct tape, but it’s more than that. It does what we all hope our led devices will do whenever we’re faced with a minor home emergency.

So it’s not really a type of Strong Fixit, it’s some type of silicone stretch material that will fix and repair cracks and dents. It works whether something is wet, dry, hot or cold. Even crazy, it’s not sticky. Fixit is not strong or tough.

Here’s how it works. If you have a kinked cord, a leak in a pipe or a crack in a hose, just stretch and wrap a powerful fix around the problem area. You have to wrap yourself around, and it’s enough to wrap around a few times. The silicone fuses to itself and creates both an air tight and water tight seal.

Strong Fix even if you don’t expect it to provide permanent repair, you’ll be surprised how long it actually lasts. I have a leak in the hose that delivers washer fluid to clean my windshield. It was expensive to replace so I went without for a couple of years. When I received the strong Fixit, I followed the instructions, and from then on I worked. I imagine the area must have taken on a little water and maybe warmed up because it’s under the hood of my car, but as far as I can tell the leak is gone .

If you read other reviews, you’ll know all kinds of powerful Fixit users, and everything seems to work as long as you can wrap it around the problem area. I read that someone could not stop the air mattress because it was flat and wasn’t strong enough to look around and fuse himself t. So take heart when you consider buying this latest miracle gadget.

I think Strong Fix is ​​the winner (for now) and as seen on TV people have a real hit on their hands. This is that we all have masking-tape and why is the duct tape somewhere in the house fixed so strong? We’ll see how things pan out, but I expect to see these everywhere.


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