Most Ancient Dog Breeds that Are Still Around

Many dogs do what they sell as the oldest or purest breed of dog in the world. But they have no knowledge to withdraw their patronage. Part of the National Human Genome Research Institute the Dog Genome Project was among many other things to discover; which are the oldest breeds of dogs.

But not one but fourteen genera are born as the oldest. How do scientists determine which species were the oldest? Seeing that the DNA produced is very similar to wolf DNA. Dogs split from wolves about 100,000 to 135,000 years ago.

Study Complaints

One thing to note about this study is that only 85 dogs had their DNA analyzed. There are about 300 species in the world. However, more dogs have only been developed since the show dog appeared in the late 1800s, so the argument is somewhat contentious.

Another complaint is that only domestic types are considered. Wild dogs like the New Guinea canine dogs and the Australian dingo may be older than the domestic dog. But dogs, although they may breed well in dogs or gentle dogs, they do not good care

What are they then?

In alphabetical order are the fourteen oldest dogs

Some of the species that appear on the list must come, which is not surprising. Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Shiba Inu, Akita Inu, Basenji and even a small Samoyed. and sometimes shaggy wolves. These are robust, active types with high intelligence. This has earned them the reputation of being difficult to train, but due to a lack of intelligence on the trainer, as opposed to that. the very intelligence of a dog

Admiration of their kind

Many dog lovers were surprised to see small dogs like Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Lhasa Aso included in the list. . Peke has been bred in the last two hundred years with a very pleasant face, but with long hair, smallness and short legs, from a wolf as much as a noble ass. Lhasas and Shih Tzus are particularly ferocious and make faithful dogs, strong dogs that may have become smaller and hairy which helped them in their mountain habitats.

Some may also be surprised by the presence of the “long dog” Saluki and Afghan hound. But students of history and art have noted the long vision of hunting dogs in the ancient centuries of artists. Before the results of the Canine Genome Project were announced, many dog ​​historians believed the Saluki was the oldest purebred dog yet bred. in existence, because his likeness often appeared in Middle Eastern and Egyptian art.


NHGRI Dog Genome Project.

New York Times News Service. DNA identifies dog with 99% accuracy. “Marcus Derr.;

PBS Documentary. “The dogs that changed the world.” (2008) The dingo may be the world’s oldest dog.” March 18, 2010. http: / /


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