Most Famous Men for Black History Month

Black history Month is the one month of the year that we remember all of our historical figures that help shape our history and our country. The following famous men in this article not only teach us their struggles in their lives, but they teach us the importance of standing up for what we believe in and to always fight for our dreams and goals. Black history month would not be the same if these famous men were not part of the history.

Black History Month most famous Men:

George Washington Carver

He was the inventor of numerous inventions that benefited mankind (

Muhammad Ali

Known for his boxing style, Muhammad Ali taught the world how to be strong and stand up to the man without fear. Muhammad Ali is a leader and humanitarian. Still to this day, Muhammad Ali continues to inspire all that come to learn about his life (

Martin Luther King Jr.

Leader of the civil right movement , Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the bravest and most inspirational historical figures in black history. He is the main focus of black history month. He is also known for his speech “I have a Dream” that still inspires young people of all generations (

Jackie Robinson

Not only was Jackie Robinson the first “colored” player to play in the Major Leagues, but he too is known to have inspired all that come to know him. He too, like these famous men mentioned in this article, was a humanitarian. Though he is not here with us, Jackie still inspires us to break every barrier in our lives (

Malcolm X

Malcolm turns to the Nation of Islam, while in prison, where he found his purpose in life. He would become a leader that taught all of us to be a strong hold in our communities. Malcolm X was not only a leader but a man that would become feared by most for his inspirational and passionate words (

Barack Obama

President Obama is not only the first African American to become the President of the United States; he is an inspirational to us all. President Obama’s speech’s inspire us to change the world and they way we think. He challenges us all, something no president has ever done. Though he is not as established as the rest of these famous men, President Obama will earn his spot in black history, thus making black history month even more special to us all (

These Famous men that we celebrate, or will be celebrating, during black history month fought their whole lives for something that they strongly believed in. They inspired others to follow them to do the same. Fame was never given to these famous men; they earned that by recognition of the hardships that they overcame for us all. That is why these men are the most celebrated men through out black history month.

Black history month is the one month of the year that we can become inspired again by these men and remember that we too can make a difference as they have.

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