To catch a mouse, you must understand the mouse, and to understand the mouse, you must know what the louse has eaten. You also need to understand how it gets into your home (heat vents are safe, I guess), but if you are determined to get rid of a mouse, then you need the right foods to catch the mouse. . Mice are carnivorous animals, so if you can fan some ham or bacon, you’re on the right track. But they also love their seeds, those dirty feeders.
Mouse bait properly, forget the cheese. This will bring a hungry mouse, but the great smell of food really works. I remember one time when the mice had killed all the muffins he had eaten, which he had baked and cooled in the oven- IPeanut butter is a tried and true favorite. When you actually catch a mouse and bite into peanut butter they really taste (and they really want to taste) if you use any kind The mouse, what he needs, will certainly do the mouse with the peanut butter. Use peanut butter to dip a piece of bread or a muffin with glue so that you not only attract your mouse but you will take that step for good.
If food is your thing and you really want to catch that rat (if all else fails) bacon is your best bet. There is a hatred of odors, sweeter, sweeter, longer, than other meats, such as chicken or beef. Who doesn’t run when they smell fresh bacon? There is no other mouse; if you are a mouse with fresh bacon, you will carry more than one mouse. No bacon? Try canned pet food- it weighs to high heaven, but the mouse will love it.
If you want to bait a mouse and catch it in a flytrap, follow its tracks. Put all your mosquito nets in the heater vents and don’t heat them during the day. You will hear a breaking story! all day while you catch those rats on their hungry journey. If you use a live fly, cover the skin with peanut butter (does not rot) and place the fly under the kitchen sink or behind a dryer , other entrances and exits of common walls.
The food that doesn’t really make you your rat is cheese, unfortunately. Unless the type of cheese is a drizzle, cheese goes rancid too quickly, and no one likes hard cheese. Similarly to fruits or veggies, they really don’t attract mice in Sick with your fresh bread (old bread will attract mice) and they are made with art (try the donut) and definitely go with your ham or bacon. You’ll catch a mouse in no time.
personal experience in owning pet rats (and what they like to eat)